日期:2015-01-15 17:16


They had now entered a beautiful walk by the side of the water, and every step was bringing forward a nobler fall of ground, or a finer reach of the woods to which they were approaching; but it was some time before Elizabeth was sensible of any of it; and, though she answered mechanically to the repeated appeals of her uncle and aunt, and seemed to direct her eyes to such objects as they pointed out, she distinguished no part of the scene. Her thoughts were all fixed on that one spot of Pemberley House, whichever it might be, where Mr. Darcy then was. She longed to know what at that moment was passing in his mind; in what manner he thought of her, and whether, in defiance of every thing, she was still dear to him. Perhaps he had been civil only because he felt himself at ease; yet there had been that in his voice which was not like ease. Whether he had felt more of pain or of pleasure in seeing her, she could not tell, but he certainly had not seen her with composure.

At length, however, the remarks of her companions on her absence of mind roused her, and she felt the necessity of appearing more like herself.
They entered the woods, and bidding adieu to the river for a while, ascended some of the higher grounds; whence, in spots where the opening of the trees gave the eye power to wander, were many charming views of the valley, the opposite hills, with the long range of woods overspreading many, and occasionally part of the stream.

  • occasionallyadv. 偶尔地
  • scenen. 场,景,情景
  • wandervi. 徘徊,漫步,闲逛,迷路,蜿蜒 vt. 漫步于 n
  • distinguishedadj. 卓著的,尊敬的 动词distinguish的过
  • composuren. 镇静,沉著
  • necessityn. 需要,必需品,必然
  • defiancen. 蔑视,违抗,挑衅
  • rangen. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列 v. 排列,归类于
  • streamn. (人,车,气)流,水流,组 v. 流动,流出,飘动
  • charmingadj. 迷人的