留美老师带你每日说英文 第1110期:电流转换
日期:2018-12-29 10:53
The US has one of the best, most reliable power grids in the world, so people aren't saying 'let's knock out this entire grid.' You could just have one converter box in your house, and that way you're not converting AC to DC at the level of every single device.
1.reliable 可信赖的;可靠的
reliable (adj.) 可信赖的;可靠的
relevant (adj.) 有关的
2.grid 电力网
grid (n.) 电力网
grip (v.) 握牢;掌握
3.knock out 一拳击昏某人; 打败; 淘汰
knock out (ph.) 一拳击昏某人; 打败; 淘汰
4.convert 转变,变换
convert (v.) 转变,变换
converse (v.) 沟通
5.device 装置
device (n.) 装置
deviate (v.) 脱离;越轨