Due to its safer nature, marijuana is often suggested as an alternative to alcohol. However, heavy use can be harmful. Since pot smoke is chemically very similar to tobacco smoke, heavy pot smokers are at risk for some of the same health effects as cigarette smokers, like bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses.
1.marijuana 大麻
marijuana (n.) 大麻
2.suggest 建议,提议
suggest (v.) 建议,提议
suggestion (n.) 建议,提议
3.alternative 替代的;供选择的
alternative (n.) 替代的;供选择的
alternate (v.) 交替,轮流
alternate (adj.) 交替的,轮流的,间隔的
4.alcohol 酒精
alcohol (n.) 酒精
alcoholic (n.) 嗜酒者
5.tobacco 烟草(制品)
tobacco (n.) 烟草(制品)
6.respiratory 呼吸的
respiratory (adj.) 呼吸的
respire (v.) 呼吸