留美老师带你每日说英文 第695期:失恋时生理和心理的反应
日期:2017-04-13 10:44
The fMRI reveal that the sadness they felt while looking at the photos, induced activity and the part of the brain that also registers physical pain. This is because emotional and physical pain share neural pathways in the brain. Going through a breakup might also create sleeplessness, waking, and overall decreased critical thinking.
1.reveal 揭露
reveal (v.) 揭露
unveil (v.) 揭露
2.induce 引诱
induce (v.) 引诱
induced (conj.) 由...所引起
3.register 登记、注册
register (v.) 登记、注册
registration (n.) 登记、注册
4.emotional 情绪化的
emotional (adj.) 情绪化的
physical (adj.) 身体的
5.decrease 减少
decrease (n.) 减少
increase (n.) 增加
