Depending on the conditions under which an intelligence explosion could arise and on the dynamics that it exhibits it could mean that AI changes very rapidly from a safe technology, relatively easy to handle, to a volatile technology that is difficult to handle safely.
1.explosion 爆发、爆炸、扩张
explosion (n.) 爆发、爆炸、扩张
explode (v.) 爆炸、迅速增加
explosive (adj.) 爆炸(性)的、爆发性的
2.arise 产生、形成、起因于
arise (v.) 产生、形成、起因于
rise (v.) 上升、起身、起而反抗
raise (v.) 举起、抬起、增加、养育
arouse (v.) 唤起、激起、使...奋发
3.dynamic 力的、动态的、有活力的
dynamic (adj.) 力的、动态的、有活力的
energetic (adj.) 精力旺盛的、有力的
vital (adj.) 生命的、充满活力的、致命的
4.exhibit 展示、陈列、表示
exhibit (v.) 展示、陈列、表示
exhibition (n.) 展览、展示品、表现
5.volatile 易挥发的、易变的、反复无常的、短暂的
volatile (adj.) 易挥发的、易变的、反复无常的、短暂的
unstable (adj.) 不稳的、易变的
stable (adj.) 稳定的、可靠的