留美老师带你每日说英文 第886期:喜欢画几何图形的人
日期:2018-01-16 09:54
Those who draw geometric figures such as squares, diamonds, or other polygons, even in a meditative state, are the most persistent and determined on our list. They usually set clear and realistic objectives and always achieve them.
1.square 正方形
square (n.) 正方形
triangle (n.) 三角形
rectangle (n.) 长方形、矩形
trapezoid (n.) 梯形
2.polygon 多边形、多角形
polygon (n.) 多边形、多角形
polygot (n.) 会多种语言的人
3.meditative 沉思的、冥想的
meditative (adj.) 沉思的、冥想的
meditate (v.) 沉思、深思熟虑
contemplate (v.) 思量、仔细考虑
4.objective 目标
objective (n.) 目标
subjective (adj.) 主观的
objection (n.) 反对、异议