It's time to liberate companionship from the shackles of coupledom, and make it as widely and as easily available as sexual liberators wanted sex to be. In the meantime, we should strive to make ourselves as much at peace as we can with the idea of being alone for a very long time.
1.liberate 解放、使获自由
liberate (v.) 解放、使获自由
liberator (n.) 解放者、解救者
liberation (n.) 解放、解放运动
2.companionship 友谊、交往、伴侣关系
companionship (n.) 友谊、交往、伴侣关系
companion (n.) 同伴、伴侣、朋友
company (n.) 同伴、陪伴
accompany (v.) 陪同、伴随
3.shackle 枷锁、桎梏、束缚
shackle (n.) 枷锁、桎梏、束缚
4.coupledom 伴侣、夫妻关系、同居关系
coupledom (n.) 伴侣、夫妻关系、同居关系
cohabit (v.) 同居
cohabitant (n.) 同居者
cohabitation (n.) 同居
5.strive 努力、奋斗 (+to V)
strive (v.) 努力、奋斗 (+to V)
endeavor (v.) 努力、力图 (+ to V)