Are they absorbing the story that a male hero's job is to defeat the villain with violence and then collect the reward, which is a woman who has no friends and doesn't speak? Are we soaking up that story? You know, as a parent with the privilege of raising a daughter, like all of you who are doing the same thing, we find this world and this statistic very alarming and we want to prepare them.
1.absorb 吸收
absorb (v.) 吸收
2.defeat 战胜、击败
defeat (v.) 战胜、击败
3.villain 坏人
villain (n.) 坏人
hero (n.) 英雄
antagonist (n.) 对手
protagonist (n.) 主角
4.soak 浸泡
soak (v.) 浸泡
soap (n.) 肥皂
5.privilege 特权
privilege (n.) 特权
privileged (adj.) 享有特权的