留美老师带你每日说英文 第869期:坐这个动作对身体的影响
日期:2017-12-22 09:38
Around the skeleton are the muscles, nerves, arteries and veins that form the body's soft tissue layers. The very act of sitting squashes, pressurizes and compresses, and these more delicate tissues really feel the brunt.
1.skeleton 骨骼
skeleton (n.) 骨骼
skull (n.) 头骨 骷髅头
2.muscle 肌肉
muscle (n.) 肌肉
masculine (adj.) 有男子气概、阳刚的
feminine (adj.) 娇柔的
3.tissue 组织、面纸
tissue (n.) 组织、面纸
napkin (n.) 餐巾纸
paper towel (n.) 厚纸巾
4.pressurize 加压于
pressurize (v.) 加压于
pressure (n.) 压力
5.compress 压缩
compress (v.) 压缩
6.delicate 精致的
delicate (adj.) 精致的
delicacy (n.) 佳肴