There is something very exhilarating about having a dream so big, that it kind of scares you a little bit. It gives you drive, it gives you ambition, and it gives you motivation, something amazing that you can work towards. And the journey itself is so rewarding.
1.exhilarating 令人振奋的
exhilarating (adj.) 令人振奋的
exhilarate (v.) 使振奋
accelerate (v.) 加速
2.scare 惊吓
scare (v.) 惊吓
scared (adj.) 惊吓的
scar (n.) 疤痕
scarred (adj.) 损伤的
3.ambition 雄心壮志
ambition (n.) 雄心壮志
ambitious (adj.) 野心勃勃的
4.motivation 刺激、动力
motivation (n.) 刺激、动力
motive (n.) 动机
motivated (adj.) 有动力的
5.toward 朝向
toward (v.) 朝向
backward (v.) 往后
6.reward 报答、奖赏
reward (n.) 报答、奖赏
rewarding (adj.) 有益的
award (n.) 奖项