Question: I want to ask a question about financial services. Could you spend some time just outlining what has been achieved in the cooperation of fiancial services between China and the U.S? In particular, have the two countries reached any agreement on the opening of China's securities market?
鲍尔森:大家都知道我对金融服务是多么在意,这是因为无论是中国经济的平衡增长,还是其他任何经济体,资本市场都发挥了非常重要的作用。而且资本市场在整个经济中有一种乘数效应, 所以它非常重要。
Question: Could you maybe clarify a little bit more on this issue? You mentioned the opening of securities industry in China, but can you tell us some concrete plans and steps to implement those plans from China? For example, did you get any pledges that China will raise ownership cap of foreign investors?
Question: From Market News International. Governor Zhou Xiaochuan just said that you discussed gradually accelerating the pace of yuan flexibility. ECB President left Beijing a few weeks ago suggesting that the Chinese had said that they would study faster appreciation as well. Did you get a similar message or any indication that China is willing to pick up the pace of appreciation?
鲍尔森:我们首先来看事实。中国方面已经同意该原则。他们已经并且正在升值人民币,而且升值的速度已经加快。去年一年的升值接近 6%。 我和中国方面就此会谈了很久,并且我们不会花很多时间讨论究竟多快才叫快。这样可以吗?这说起来是很容易的。我们在原则上取得共识,并且谈了一系列话题。我们谈到加快升值的益处。现在中国正集中应对经济过热和遏制通胀,我想大家都同意货币政策相比仅仅使用行政政策不失为一个有效的措施,并且让货币来反映市场基本面是件好事。
Question: I'm with AP. Minister Chen yesterday mentioned that he was quite worried about the weakness of the US currency, and the weakness in the US economy, and that when he was confronted by the American side with calls for a faster RMB appreciation he responded that he was more concerned with those issues. Are you now able to offer any assurances, any reassurances, that that won't be a problem for China?
Question: Mr. Secretary, I'm from Reuters. You cites a decision by China to permit foreign companies doing business in China to issue yuan-denominated securities. How much pressure was there for that from the U.S. side, and how much resistance from the Chinese, and what is the potential impact of that?
Question: I'm with the South China Morning Post. I just wanted to ask a little bit of clarification on the issuance of Renminbi stocks and bonds. Does this mean that U.S. companies are going to be able to issue stocks and bonds in China? And when is this going to happen? And has there been a demand from U.S. companies to do this? Thank you.