有声读物《暮光之城•暮色》第256期:第十五章 卡伦一家(5)
日期:2014-01-23 11:51



"Oh, they already know everything. They'd taken bets yesterday, you know" — he smiled, but his voice was harsh — "on whether I'd bring you back, though why anyone would bet against Alice, I can't imagine. At any rate, we don't have secrets in the family. It's not really feasible, what with my mind reading and Alice seeing the future and all that."


"And Jasper making you feel all warm and fuzzy about spilling your guts, don't forget that."


"You paid attention," he smiled approvingly.


"I've been known to do that every now and then." I grimaced. "So did Alice see me coming?"


His reaction was strange. "Something like that," he said uncomfortably, turning away so I couldn't see his eyes. I stared at him curiously.


"Is that any good?" he asked, turning back to me abruptly and eyeing my breakfast with a teasing look on his face. "Honestly, it doesn't look very appetizing."


"Well, it's no irritable grizzly…" I murmured, ignoring him when he glowered. I was still wondering why he responded that way when I mentioned Alice. I hurried through my cereal, speculating.


He stood in the middle of the kitchen, the statue of Adonis again, staring abstractedly out the back windows.


Then his eyes were back on me, and he smiled his heartbreaking smile.


"And you should introduce me to your father, too, I think."


"He already knows you," I reminded him.


"As your boyfriend, I mean."


I stared at him with suspicion. "Why?"


"Isn't that customary?" he asked innocently.



与图书题目相得益彰的是,“暮光之城”系列别具匠心的封面设计则很好地传达出了每本书内在的深远寓意。斯蒂芬妮·梅尔指出《暮色》封面上的苹果代表“创世纪” 内善恶树上的禁果。象征贝拉和爱德华之间人类与吸血鬼禁忌的爱恋。在书的开头引用了“创世纪”217页的内容:“只是分别善恶树上的果子,你不可吃,因为你吃的日子必定死。”这同时也代表了贝拉如何分辨善恶——选择是否吃下那颗禁忌的果实,这比喻了选择跟爱德华在一起或远离他


1. pay attention


eg. All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.


eg. Pay attention: to every aspect of what you’re doing, to your body, to the sensations, to your thoughts.


2. every now and then


eg. Well, I guarantee that your neighbor doubts himself every now and then too.


eg. We know that God is not an absent God. He does not just drop in on us every now and then, but He is with us all the time.


3. stare at


eg. Every time we stopped, everybody would stare at me.


eg. I enjoyed hanging out by the water. I would sit there for hours and stare at my reflection.


  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • guaranteen. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品 vt. 保证,
  • starev. 凝视,盯着看 n. 凝视 v. 显眼,(毛发
  • feasibleadj. 可行的,可能的
  • customaryadj. 习惯的,惯例的
  • harshadj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的
  • reactionn. 反应,反作用力,化学反应
  • cerealn. 谷类食物,麦片 adj. 谷类的,谷物的
  • teasingn. 戏弄
  • suspicionn. 猜疑,怀疑