In the immortal words of Benjamin Franklin, "time is money." Spend it wisely.
按照本杰明·富兰克林不朽的名言,“时间就是金钱 。”所以要明智地安排时间 。
You Will Need
An online calendar or day planner
A watch
STEP 1 Prioritize and record
Schedule only commitments that are important and learn to say no to others. Use one main online calendar or day planner.
只安排重要的活动,学会对其他活动说不 。使用一个主要的在线日历或每日计划表 。
Schedule events after rush hour and other off-peak times so traffic doesn’t make you late.
把活动安排在上下班高峰期后和其他非高峰期,这样交通状况不会成为你迟到的理由 。
STEP 2 Set reminders
Set email or text reminders at set intervals on your online calendar. Give yourself a reminder one hour before and 15 minutes before an event.
用在线日历按照固定的时间间隔发送电子邮件或短信提醒 。某项活动分别在1小时和15分钟之前提醒自己 。
STEP 3 Plan to be early
If you have a two o'clock appointment, enter it in your schedule at 1:50.
如果你2:00有一个约会,在日程安排中记为1:50 。
Have extra work on hand to keep busy if you're early.
手头安排一些额外的工作,如果你早到了,也可以保持忙碌 。
STEP 4 Add more time
Add 25 percent to the time you think you'll need to get where you’re going or to finish a job.
如果你认为到某个地方或者完成某项工作需要一定的时间,多预留25%的时间 。
STEP 5 Plan ahead
Lay out your clothes, lunch, keys, and anything else you’ll need for the day the night before. If you wake up late, you’ll probably still be on time.
提前一天晚上安排好服装,午餐,钥匙和其他你需要的东西 。即使你醒来得比较迟,也仍有可能准时 。
STEP 6 Keep gas in your tank and money in your wallet
Keep your gas tank above one-quarter full at all times. Always have at least $20 on hand so unplanned expenses don’t hold you up.
时刻保持油箱里的汽油超过四分之一 。钱包里至少有20美元,这样计划外的花费不会让你为难 。
STEP 7 Wear a watch
Wear a watch or bring your phone everywhere you go so you’ll always know the time.
无论你到任何地方都要戴着手表或手机,这样你就总是知道是什么时间 。
Did you know? There are 17 million meetings in America on an average day.
你知道吗?美国每天平均有1700万次会议 。