Presenting flawless job documents can earn you extra points in the eyes of potential employers. Get your reference page right by following these steps.
递交毫无瑕疵的求职简历可以为你在潜在雇主那里加分 。遵循下面的建议,正确地列举相关工作证明人 。
You Will Need
Complete contact information
STEP 1 Collect your list
Think of at least three people with whom you have had a professional association who will speak well of you. Select current or former supervisors, colleagues, or professors. Avoid giving personal references -- friends or family -- unless you have no other choice.
想出至少三个曾经和你有工作关系的人,而且这些人要对你有比较好的评价 。选择现在的或以前的上司,同事或教授 。避免列出私人联系人——朋友或家人——除非你别无选择 。
Ask your choices for their permission to include them as references for a job. That way they will not be surprised when they are called.
征求对方的同意,看他们是否赞同作为你的工作证明人 。这样的话当他们接到电话时就不会很惊讶 。
STEP 2 Create a references page
Create a separate references page and title it "References," "List of References," or "Reference List."
制定单独的一个证明人页面,标题列为“证明人”,“证明人列表”等等 。
STEP 3 Avoid faux pas
Don't write "references available upon request" on a resume. It is assumed that you can supply references. Also, don't forward your reference list unless you are specifically asked to do so.
不要在简历上写“如要求可以提供证明人” 。这样会假定你可以提供证明人 。同样,不要拿出证明人列表,除非有特别要求 。
STEP 4 Include all contact information
Include each reference's full name, job title, employer, full business address, telephone number with area code, and e-mail address.
把每个证明人的全名,工作职位,雇主,详细的企业地址,有区号的电话号码和电子邮件地址列举清楚 。
Use the titles "Mr." or "Ms." before a person's name if the person's gender is not easily identified through their name.
如果通过姓名难以辨别证明人的性别,在他们的姓名前加上“先生”或“女士” 。
STEP 5 Include your contact information
Create a header at the top of your reference page that includes your name and contact information. It should look the same as your resume's header. Proofread both documents, and prepare for your initial interview!
在证明人页面用你自己的姓名和联系方式做页眉,就像你自己的简历的页眉一样 。校对所有文件,为面试做准备!
Paper was invented by Tsai Lun in China in the year 105.
纸是由中国的蔡伦在公元105年发明的 。