新编六级听力每日练习 第427期
日期:2016-06-03 16:45



Test 19
Section A
A. They are looking for a train station.
B. They are waiting for a performance.
C. They are repairing their car.
D. They are listening to the radio.

A. Mississippi River is 6,040 kilometers.
B. Yukon River is 3,186 kilometers.
C. Alaska River is 3.168 kilometers.
D. Colorado River is 2,186 kilometers.


Test 19
Section A
W: I can't seem to tune the station I want. Funny, I found it yesterday.
M: Maybe you should put the antenna up. I hope you find it soon. The talk show is about to begin. You don't want to miss it, do you?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the speakers?
解析:女士正在调台,试图找到她想听的那个频道,男士建议她装上天线试一下,还得快点弄好,因为访谈节目就要开始了。故答案是D。根据选项可以预测出问的是对话双方正在做的事情。B项为强干扰项,但是“tune the station”说明对话双方是用收音机来听广播,这跟“performance”相距甚远。

W: The Mississippi is one of the world's great rivers. It's about 6,400 kilometers long. Can you name some other important rivers?
M: There is the Yukon in Alaska, and also Colorado River. They are 3,168 kilometers and 2,186 kilometers respectively.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
解析:根据对话,Colorado River长度为2186公里。故答案是D。选项都包含有地名和数字,猜测题目与河流的名字及长度有关。抓住各选项的关键点,在地名旁边写下相对应的数字,边听边做笔记。
