新编六级听力每日练习 第298期
日期:2015-04-22 14:53



A. The woman thinks the maid was beautiful.
B. The woman thinks the salesman exaggerated his part.
C. The woman thinks the salesman was realistic.
D. The woman thinks the salesman was not dramatic enough.
A. They are quite different in painting skills.
B. Neither of them is good at house-painting.
C. They are equally good at house-painting.
D. Both of them will paint the house the day after tomorrow.


M: So, Mary, how did you like the film?
W: Well, generally speaking, it was very good. The part of the maid was played beautifully, but I thought the man who played the salesman was too dramatic to be realistic.
Q: How does the woman feel about the movie?
解析:主题词是salesman,关键句是too dramatic to be realistic“太戏剧化了,不真实”,即那个演员演得夸张了。A属于对beautifully一词的误听,C和D则利用个别原词 dramatic和realistic进行干扰。

W: I can't make up my mind whether to ask Larry or Bill to paint the house.
M: What difference does it make? They're both excellent painters. And I think we just need to check who is available the day after tomorrow.
Q: What can be inferred about Larry and Bill?
解析:女士说究竟是让Larry还是让Bill粉刷房屋,这令她难以取舍,男士说“有什么区别吗?他们都很棒”。正确选项是对原文They're both excellent painters的同义替换。A、D基本是利用原词difference和both进行干扰,B则与对话的含义相反。
