没节操有情操英语影评MP3 第135期:战狼
日期:2015-04-17 09:15




痞性十足的冷锋(吴京饰)屡屡惹祸,有人说他是流氓,是痞子, 也有人说他是英雄,是传奇,在一次行动中冷锋违抗军令打死了恐怖分子,要被开除出队,却意外得到了神秘部队战狼的接纳,但本想换个地方继续惹祸的他却跳进了另外一个深渊,冷傲的战狼副队长,擦出暧昧火花的性感女队长(余男饰),心计颇深腹黑的毒枭,枉死的队友,雇佣兵跨过边境线入侵中国,一切都使他陷入了麻烦中。一切都在考验这个团队的毒瘤冷锋,他不知该何去何从。


For a Chinese film to take in 429 million yuan in ten days, people normally expect it to be a blockbuster made by influential directors like Zhang Yimou, or a teen flick based on some popular best-seller like theTwilight series, or simply an extraordinary artistic failure so infamous that people just can't stop talking about it. "Wolf Warrior" doesn't fall into any of these categories.

The war action film is directed by martial artist Wu Jing. He also appears in the film as a gifted yet unruly soldier. After being expelled from the army for failing to follow orders, he is recruited by Special Forces outfit "the Wolf Warriors." During a drill in a border region, he encounters foreign mercenaries whohave been hired to oversee the delivery of genetic weapons. So the training program quickly turns into a deadly mission.

The entire film teems with macho and patriotic sentiment, much like the war films made in the 1980s, but that also makes it kind of a rarity in the current cinematic landscape in China, where investors rely on big data to determine whether a topic attracts wide demographics and filmmakers try their best to enlist actors and actresses who already command a large fan base.

In the place of star power, "Wolf Warriors" offers an impressive repertoire of firepower. M136 AT4 rocket launcher, M25 sniper rifle, Chengdu J-10 fighter aircraft and Z-10 attack helicopter make up the extensivearsenal that will keep military fanatics begging for more.

However we should not simply label the film as a love letter to the masculine, apparently female viewers enjoy it too. The sheer size of the income suggests that maybe this driving force behind China's box officesuccesses have grown tired of sissy male celebrities and decide that perhaps macho is the new "Fresh Meat,"as they previously called young actors with silky skin.

The heroism and clamour in the story, however, cannot conceal its problems. To highlight the main character's valor and skills, the cameras are practically pinned on his every single move, leaving very little screen time for the rest of the wolf warriors. It also makes it harder for viewers to understand what's goingon, especially when intensive gun fights take place in a jungle. There are some efforts to add an element of romance but the effect is minimal.

At the end of the day, Wu Jing's seven-year-project does yield favorable results. It is also a good example of how adherence to a specific genre can be rewarding. The film gurus can feel free to experiment, but for beginners who are simply eyeing the cash, it never hurts to learn the ABCs.

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