没节操有情操英语影评MP3 第99期:同桌的你
日期:2015-03-07 09:25







The post-80s and 90s generations make up a significant age group in China; not because they are too self-involved or carefree which they are often criticized for being, but because they are the most willing consumers in an otherwise conservative market.

The post-80s generation have been in the workforce for some time and are becoming more mindful of the needto invest their money in sustaining a quality lifestyle. In general, the post-90s group have yet to make asplash in the job market, but have grown up in a relatively affluent society, often with wealthy parents. As such, these young people have become a key target of Chinese salespeople.

Enlight Media, the company behind films such as "Lost in Thailand" and "So Young", operates with the chiefaim of making profitable movies for this group. "My Old Classmate", having earned more than 100 million yuan in just 3 days of its release, is their most recent success.

Their approach is simple and analytical. For the post-90s generation, who despite their tender age must have had plenty of romantic experiences in school, they provide a love story that runs from the 7th grade upuntil college graduation. There is nothing particularly romantic about this commodity, but their appeal lies in that they are all set in schools.

Perhaps out of awareness of the weak storyline, the producers have thrown in two iconic figures in the forms of Lin Gengxin and Zhou Dongyu. Neither of them is old enough to know anything about acting, but they command huge influence among the young viewers nonetheless.

For the post-80s generation who may have developed a certain level of ability to appreciate good films, the trick is to tap into their memories. It is a well-known fact that the post-80s generation learnt to spell nostalgia long before they became eligible to obtain driver's licenses; nostalgia is a fast and sure wayto get into their hearts. So here, the producers generously include references to parts of history that have left lasting imprints on the 80s generation, for example, the US bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and the fight against SARS. Due to inadequate acting and storytelling, the plot never struck a chord with me, but I imagine that it must have worked on the more susceptible members of my generation.

Before you decide that this commodity is good for nothing, please allow me to point out something that youmay enjoy. Film producer Gao Xiaosong has devoted most of his life to music, so the songs in this thing are pretty nice. And I have to admit that I like the ending, which confronts insensitive people who hide their weaknesses under the facade of "being realistic".

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