没节操有情操英语影评MP3 第87期:华尔街之狼
日期:2015-02-16 15:03





失业的乔丹在当时妻子泰蕾莎(克丽斯汀·米里奥蒂 饰)的提议下,来到长岛的一家小型股票经纪所工作。由于经手的都是非常廉价的股票,这里没有引起监管部门的注意。乔丹的巧舌如簧的忽悠技巧令小公司的老板和同事惊为天人。乔丹还与住在同一栋公寓的推销员多尼·阿佐夫(乔纳·希尔饰)交上了朋友,两人合伙开设了一家股票公司,最初员工都是乔丹的亲朋好友,其中不乏一些大麻贩子。公司赚钱的方式就是依靠电话推销低价股,用欺诈性的股票销售来欺骗投资者,表面上却有着一个大气如百年老店的名字斯特拉顿·奥克芒(Stratton Oakmont。随着公司发展壮大,乔丹成了名人,《福布斯》杂志给了他“华尔街之狼”的绰号。很多二十几岁的天真热情的年轻人都来到奥克芒追随乔丹的销售信条:卖出或去死。


"Wolf of Wall Street" is a three hour long film. Despite some critics' comment that it is fast and dynamic,I actually broke it up and watched it in two days, not because the on-screen excitement is too much to take in for a single day, but because I got too bored to care about what was coming up next.

It seems the story is built on the belief that the Wall Street belongs to hungry dealers who coax money out of ordinary investors. And when the money is in their hands, the brokers do nothing but celebrate their success with drugs and hookers.

The film's screenwriter Terence Winter is said to have stayed loyal to the autobiography of former stock dealer Jordan Belfort, who is now a motivational speaker after being incarcerated for fraud and banned fromworking in the securities industry. Apparently 22 months in prison and a 110-million dollar restitution have not cast any shadow on Belfort's life, for he has written about it without the slightest remorse.

In an equally unapologetic fashion, Martin Scorsese's movie presents the swindler's life of debauchery in full swing. Hell, I'll never forget the word "debauchery" from now on. This R-rated movie consists of so much nudity, narcotics and senseless abandon that it has been banned outright in some conservative nations and heavily edited in some others.

As someone who fancies junk food every now and then but never takes more than a Big Mac, I can't really appreciate the repeated challenge to social norms throughout the film. I mean I don't normally judge things on the moral scale, it is just the director's unswerving commitment to repeating stupid orgies got me really bored. So half way into the film when I realized there wouldn't be any significant improvement, I decided to take a break and call it a day.

But on the other hand, the acting is incredible, otherwise I wouldn't have come back for the second half. Leonardo DiCaprio seems to have forced too much life into the major character that he also needs a break after shooting "Wolf of Wall Street". Compared to his role in this piece, Leonardo's other outings in "Django Unchained" and "The Great Gatsby" appears unexciting at all. I guess he'll just have to settle with a golden globe and no Oscar, again.

Meanwhile, the quality of editing was immaculate and does effectively reduce the agony of sitting through a pretty lengthy film. Perhaps this is what gives some critics the illusion that the film is so alive and dynamic.

Considering its length, I don't recommend watching "Wolf of Wall Street" in a cinema. An afternoon with the DVD would fit just fine.

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  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.
  • restitutionn. 归还,赔偿,恢复原状
  • commitmentn. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行
  • autobiographyn. 自传
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • abandonv. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺 n. 放纵
  • fraudn. 骗子,欺骗,诈欺
  • agonyn. 极度的痛苦,挣扎