没节操有情操英语影评MP3 第97期:里约大冒险2
日期:2015-03-05 17:47






布鲁为了讨得老婆珠儿的爱心,以及证明自己的能力,越过边界到了临近红金刚鹦鹉部落的领地采摘果实,因此惹下大祸。爱德华多率领部落人马与费利佩率领的部落人马采用七战四胜制、一种类似足球的游戏来一比输赢,赢家会获得此地果实的所有权。最后布鲁在第七局失手,踢了个乌龙球,因此受到部落的冷落。后来布鲁救了琳达和图里奥。看到大片林木被砍,布鲁和爱德华多决定率领丛林里的 动物们向盗伐者人类宣战。最终盗伐者都被赶跑,其头目也被一条蟒蛇吃进了肚子里。



For a film that invokes the ghost of William Shakespeare, "Rio 2" is surprisingly lacking in dramatic conflict. It is essentially an animated version of "Meet the Parents" that has spun a wee bit out of focus.

In a continuation of the metaphorical chiding of modern, city-based human existence, "Rio 2" brings the Blue Macaw family to the Amazon jungle to test their wings. But in their search for the rest of their species, they are hunted by a vengeful cockatoo, their arch enemy from the prequel. There is also a mission of equal urgency to protect their natural habitat. And let's not forget that this film was made especially to herald in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, so there's got to be some references to the sweaty sport.

So as you can see, the fatal mistake involving "Rio 2" is the attempt to merge this multitude of storylines. Just imagine the grand, Shakespearean odyssey of the evil cockatoo and the slow buildup of his venomousscheme of retribution, and you will feel the same frustration as when you see his plan instantly and unfairly foiled in a human-bird skirmish wherein he hardly plays a part.

He does, however, play a role in a poisonous love affair, in which he becomes the subject of affection to a poisonous dart frog. Singer Kristin Chenoweth's operatic voice is one of the major highlights of this musical drama.

Another highlight is a family reunion where the birds of the same Blue Macaw feather flock together in a dazzling array of colors and rhythm, in a scene resembling a water ballet presented by birds in midair. I could tell that this scene would mark the visual climax of the film long before the film hit halfway. And it turns out I was right, the director managed to arrange a football match between two beautiful avian species; like the human-bird skirmish mentioned above, the focus is placed on intensive action though, so the visual effect is not as pleasing to the eyes as the reunion dance.

Elsewhere, the film retains the exotic South American flavor that was so characteristic of the previous episode, so it is actually a pretty nice film for promoting the country's image, managing to touch people's hearts, whilst making money at relatively low production cost in the process.

Rio 2 is a sequel that stands perfectly on its own and will therefore enable viewers who've missed the previous installment to catch up. Well, after a 90-minute catch-up I sincerely hope the good people at Blue Sky don't make any more sequels. The merits of both urban and natural ways of living forms the focal point of the Rio story, a topic which has now been truly exhausted in these two entries. Further installments would only lead to family relation clichés, and for that I might as well watch another Ice Age movie.

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