面试英语口语脱口而出 第77期:课外实践
日期:2014-10-27 11:18


1.Were you engaged in any activities at college?


2.What kind of activity would make you get involved?


3.In what way did those social activities have impact on your mind?


4.I had no interest in those activities in college and I spent most of my spare time reading in the library.


5.I had been in the charity organization for 2 months and I learned a lot from that experience, including love, sympathy, equality, and so on.


6.I learned to look at people and things from an overall perspective.


7.I was on the college basketball team.


8.I held a formal membership in the football club in our college.


9.One of the most significant activities was that I was a violin player in the college orchestra.


10.I organized an English club and was the captain of the club for a year.


dialogue 1

对话 1

A: Were you engaged in any activities at college?

A: 你大学时参加过什么活动吗?

B: No, I had no interest in ihe activities in college and I spent most of my time reading in the library.

B: 没有,我对那些活动都不感兴趣,我大多数的闲暇时间都花在图书馆读书。

A: What kind of activity would make you get involved?

A: 什么样的活动才能让你有兴趣参加呢?

B: None, 1 guess. My only passion is on reading.

B: 我想应该没有,我的兴趣都在书上。

Dialogue 2

对话 2

A: Did you work in a charity organization?

A: 你在慈善机构工作过吗?

B: Yeah, I had been in the charity organization for 2 months and I learned a lot from that experience, including love, sympathy, equality, and so on.

B: 是的,我在慈善机构两个月的经历教会了我很多东西,比如说爱、同情、平等等。

A: In what way did those social activities have impact on your mind?

A: 这些经历怎样影响了你?

B: I think it had direct impact on my way of thinking. I learned to look at people and things from an overall perspective. In that case, I am not easy to be edgy.

B: 我想它们直接影响了我的思维方式,我学会从整体的角度来看待人和事,这样我也不那么容易急躁了。

  • perspectiven. 远景,看法,透视 adj. 透视的
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • organizedv. 组织
  • impactn. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力) vt. 挤入,压紧
  • overalladj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的 adv. 总的来说
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • passionn. 激情,酷爱
  • orchestran. 管弦乐队
  • sympathyn. 同情,同情心,同感,赞同,慰问
  • engagedadj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的