面试英语口语脱口而出 第29期:申请英语翻译
日期:2014-08-17 14:16


1. What kind of quality should an interpreter have?

2. I am calling to inquire the position of English interpreter.

3. My major is English Translation and Interpretation.

4. How long have you been in this field?

5. He should be well-equipped with English language and culture, modest, experienced and have good manners.

6. It takes time and perseverance to achieve that goal.

7. Therefore,an interpreter has to know some expertise in the field he/she serves as an interpreter.

8. I once served as an interpreter for a delegation from South Africa.

9. I am an English major, and it is the best job which can demonstrate my ability and realize my potential.

10. I have been an interpreter since I graduated from university in 2000.

Dialogue 1
对话 1

A: Hello, this is Garry Zhao. I am calling to inquire the position of English interpreter.

B: Well, it is still open. Where did you graduate from.

A: I graduated from the Beijing Foreign Studies University. My major is English Translation and Interpretation.
A: 我是北京外国语大学毕业的,专业是英语翻译与口译。

B: It sounds great. I will arrange an interview tomorrow. Can you come tomorrow?

A: Yes, I can. Thank you so much.

Dialogue 2
对话 2

A: What characteristics should an interpreter own?
A: 口译员应该具备条怎样的素质?

B: I think he should be an expert of everything.
B: 应该是个杂家,什么都懂。

A: Why is that?

B: Because English is nothing but a tool which is used when people may negotiate in international conferences, probe into physics, release some information in a press conferrence ,and do anything we can do with language. Therefore, an interpreter has to know some expertise in the field he/she serves as an interpreter. Otherwise he/she can not carry out his/her work smoothly.
B:因为英语只是一个交流的工具, 人们用它在国际会议上谈判、 研究物理、在记者招待会上发布消息,做一切语言可以做的事情。因此口译员必须懂得他/ 她所服务的领域的专业知识,否则无法顺利开展工作。

  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • demonstratevt. 示范,演示,证明 vi. 示威
  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发
  • arrangevt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲) vi. 协商,计
  • interpretern. 译员,口译者,解释程序
  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,
  • modestadj. 谦虚的,适度的,端庄的
  • expertisen. 专家的意见,专门技术
  • characteristicsn. 特性,特征;特质;特色(characteristi
  • smoothlyadv. 平滑地,流畅地