面试英语口语脱口而出 第38期:请求电话留言
日期:2014-08-28 14:29


1. Would you please kindly tell him I want to apply for a proof-reader in your newspaper?


2. Would you care to speak to Mr. Brown who takes all the calls in his absence?


3.Can I leave a message for Mr. Smith?


4.Yes, please pass on to him the message that I want to apply for the job as a postal clerk in your post office.


5.He is in the middle of something ;can I help you take a message?


6.Would you like to leave a message?


7. I'll tell him that you called.


8. Please tell him that I want to inquire about the position of translator checker.


9. OK, I’ll tell him about that.


10.I will deliver the message for you.


Dialogue 1

对话 1

A: Hi, this is Tom Port. May I speak to Mr. Smith?

A: 你好,我是汤姆·史密斯先生。

B: Mr. Smith is not in his office. I am afraid he will not be back before 3 pm. would you care to speak to Mr. Brown who takes all the calls in his absence?

B: 史密斯先生现在不在办公室,恐怕他3点钟以前不会回来。你愿意与布朗先生讲话吗?史密斯不在时布朗负责接听所有来电。

A: No. Thanks. Can I leave a message for Mr. Smith?

A: 不了,谢谢。我能留个口信给史密斯先生吗?

B: OK I'll tell him that vou called.

B: 好的。我转告他你来电话了。

Dialogue 2

对话 2

A: Hello, this is Li Ning. Can I talk to your A: manager?

A: 你好,我是李宁。麻烦找一下您的经理。

B: Sorry, he has just gone out now. Can I take a messege for you?

B: 对不起,他刚出去。我能帮你留言吗?

A: Yes. Would you please kindly tell him I want to apply for a proof-reader in your newspaper?

A: 好的。能否帮我转告他:我想申请贵报社的校对员一职。

B: OK, I got it.

B: 好的,我知道了。
