日期:2020-06-18 17:37





JUDY WOODRUFF: Tensions between the Koreas are on the rise today. North Korea blew up the Inter-Korean Liaison Office, a building near the border with South Korea. This comes as North Korean rhetoric has grown increasingly hostile. Foreign affairs correspondent Nick Schifrin has the story.

NICK SCHIFRIN: On South Korean TV, the music and image were threatening, the Liaison Office up in smoke, as captured by a South Korean surveillance camera, destroyed in a single explosion. The building opened in 2018, a symbol of North-South reconciliation. That year, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in Moon had a rare rapprochement, and a sitting U.S. president met a North Korean leader for the first time.

DONALD TRUMP, President of the United States: We had a really fantastic meeting, a lot of progress, really very positive, I think better than anybody could have expected.

NICK SCHIFRIN: In the background that day, Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong-un's sister. But since the promises made in Singapore failed to turn into reconciliation, and the U.S. ignored a vague New Year's deadline imposed by the North, she's become more prominent, and North Korea has become more belligerent, cutting off communication with the South, and threatening to advance its nuclear program and deploy military to recently demilitarized areas along the border. And for more on this, I'm joined by Jeongmin Kim, the Seoul correspondent for N.K. News use, a Web site focused on the Korean Peninsula. Welcome to the NewsHour. Let's talk about the motivations for what Pyongyang is doing this. Is North Korea's wrath targeted at Seoul? Is it targeted at Washington? Or is there also an aspect to this of domestic consumption?

JEONGMIN KIM, N.K. News: I would say that it's all three. The deal didn't happen between North Korea and the United States. And the year-end deadline that North Korea set for itself in Washington, it just expired. And it seems that the anger right now, it's targeted toward South Korea, because, from North Korea's perspective, despite all the goodwill gestures and all the agreements in 2018, from North Koreans' point of view, South Korea didn't do that much and didn't help that much as a mediator between Washington and Pyongyang. There could be domestic concerns as well. The party founding anniversary, the 75th anniversary in October, is coming up. And the North Korean regime has vowed that they will come up with these dashing economic achievements by then. But, right now, they don't have much to boast about to the domestic public right now.




NICK SCHIFRIN: So, how significant are these moves by North Korea?

JEONGMIN KIM: The statements from North Korea in recent days were made by very high-level officials such as Kim Yo-jong, who is North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister. In March, she did start writing these statements under her byline. But the difference right now, since the first week of June, is that her statements started coming out in a party daily in North Korea which targets domestic audience, which means that her profile is going up in the domestic setting.

NICK SCHIFRIN: The obvious question then is, is she being groomed in some way to become more prominent, to maybe even take over one day from Kim Jong-un?

JEONGMIN KIM: Although it seems that Kim Jong-un seems pretty healthy and very much alive, it seems...it does seem that Kim Yo-jong's prominence in recent days points to how North Korean leadership is maybe prepping her up to be a powerful voice as a...as one of the Paektu bloodline in North Korea, which is a very important myth, a cornerstone of statehood in North Korea.

NICK SCHIFRIN: At this point, is the overall effort between President Trump and Kim Jong-un, obviously facilitated by South Korean President Moon Jae-in, is that effort effectively dead?

JEONGMIN KIM: I wouldn't say it's entirely dead, but I would say that not much time is left now, with the U.S. upcoming presidential election, and also South Korean Moon Jae-in's term not left that much, and with the U.S. side and North Korean side not being able to narrow down the gap between what they want from the denuclearization deal. It seems that, realistically, it's almost impossible for the three actors to come up with a solution.

NICK SCHIFRIN: Jeongmin Kim, Seoul, correspondent for N.K. News, thank you very much.

JEONGMIN KIM: Thank you.





1.surveillance camera 监控摄像头

When a gunshot is detected, the surveillance camera zooms in on that spot.

2.cut off 切断;中断

Villages in the English countryside were cut off by the snow.

3.target v.把…作为攻击目标;把…作为批评的对象

The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.

4.take over 接管

Several financiers joined the plot to take over the profitable company.

5.come up with a solution 想出一个解决办法

The scientists are beating their brains trying to come up with a solution to the problem.








尼克·席福林:那天站在后面的是金与正,即金正恩的妹妹i+usKnlYJMMGg2。但由于在新加坡作出的承诺没有变成和解,美国无视了朝鲜强加的模糊的新年期限,使得她更加名声大噪m,()bK3k@o。朝鲜也变得更加好战,切断了和韩国之间的交流,并威胁要推进其核计划,在最近刚解除武装的边界地区部署军事力量]C_g[aakCUHYy8。为了解更多信息,我将和来自N.K. News(一家专注于朝鲜半岛问题的新闻网站)的驻首尔记者金政民进行连线2OH3V%2KTcaVx。欢迎来到“新闻一小时”.&%BZ2r)bMs^a7kiyl&=。我们来谈谈平壤这么做的动机吧,朝鲜的愤怒针对的是首尔吗?是华盛顿吗?或者还涉及到国内消费?

金政民,N.K. 新闻:我想说的是,这三者都有I~p9zCib)baW|。这项协议并不是朝鲜和美国之间达成的,朝鲜在华盛顿为自己设定的年底最后期限刚刚到期B;-q9HS-RZf)dAW0。现在看来,它的愤怒针对的似乎是韩国k)6soHLAwXL9TdKQ9[。因为,从朝鲜的角度来看,虽说2008年有一些善意的姿态、签了一些协议,但是在朝鲜看来韩国并没有做出太多的实际回应,在华盛顿和平壤之间也没有尽到“和事佬”的职责PJUno)cCp)L60AaCZR。除此之外可能也有国内的忧虑,今年10月,党成立75周年的日子即将到来,而朝鲜政府已经发誓在那之前要在经济上取得某些光彩耀人的成就,而现在,他们并没有什么可以向国内公众吹嘘的f5~~cA-W74







尼克·席福林:金政民,首尔,N.K. 新闻记者,非常感谢0Y,sG|l1-L(l_ynt~B



