生活英语听力文章(MP3+中英字幕) 第186期:130方法成为超级时间管理者(27)
日期:2016-11-23 15:02



128.Use cruise control. Determine the maximum speed you are willing to drive and then set your cruise control. This gets you to your destination in the fastest time possible.
129.Do things that make you feel good. There is no doubt that you are more productive when you feel good. You walk with a bounce in your step and feel like you can tackle almost anything. Notice the little things that make you feel good, like keeping your home and car clean, reading or listening to something positive, or crossing things off your To-Do List.
130.Reward yourself. When you complete tasks and have the discipline to do the things you know you should do, take five seconds to recognize yourself. Increased confidence and motivation go a long way to building your self-image and increasing productivity.Do you have some time management tips that I've not share with you?Do me a favor and come back to this post on littlethingsmatter.com and in the comment section below this post share your time management tips. Let's see how much we can come up as a group.And here's my concluding thought: if you want to achieve more in your life,both personally and professionally,while at the same time enjoy the journey you must focus on using your time in the most productive way as possible.

  • productivityn. 生产率,生产能力
  • commentn. 注释,评论; 闲话 v. 注释,评论
  • recognizevt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握
  • disciplinen. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科 vt. 训练,惩罚
  • tacklev. 处理,对付,阻截 n. 用具,滑车,对付
  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • determinev. 决定,决心,确定,测定
  • productiveadj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的