生活英语听力文章(MP3+中英字幕) 第13期:言出必行(1)
日期:2015-11-04 14:10



I Said It And I Meant It!

Think of the last time you exercised and said to yourself, “I can do it” or “I can do three more reps” or “I can go another 10 minutes” with grit and determination. Did your words make you push harder? Did you give your very best effort to achieve your desired outcome?
Now think of an occasion when you said things like “I am tired today” or “I don’t think I can do anymore” or “I can’t go any longer.” What happened? Did this little voice in the back of your mind sound defeated? Were you able to push yourself or did you give up?
The common denominator in both circumstances is your inner voice. Yet the results are dramatically different depending on the nature of your “conversation.” Your statements can either gave you energy to push harder or they can suck the life out of you and cause you to quit.
The Power of Self-Talk post describes how the conversations we have with ourselves influence every part of our lives. If our internal dialog is positive and focuses on our talents, skills and abilities we are encouraged, optimistic and more likely to achieve our goals.
On the other hand, if our thoughts focus on our faults, mistakes, weaknesses, insecurities, or fears, it will be virtually impossible to feel confident and advance our lives forward.
All of this illustrates that what we say to ourselves impacts our emotions, attitude and outlook. Since this internal dialog is so important, how can we use it to help us achieve our personal best?
The answer is simple. Be intentional about saying things to yourself that will help you achieve your desired outcome.
Guiding Statements
Throughout my career I have consistently focused on using what I call guiding statements- statements designed to help direct my thinking.
Here are some examples of the types of guiding statements I say to myself.
If I am working on an important project that must be completed today I will say, “I will get this done today” over and over again throughout the day.
If I am listening to someone and feel I have something important to contribute I will say, “Listen and don’t interrupt.”
If I am getting frustrated or defensive, I will repeat in my mind, “Speak in love.”
If I am thinking about something that is depressing me I will say, “I am not going to think about XX (failure, mistake or blunder) any longer. I have learned all I can learn and I am moving on”, then I use my self-control to change my thinking.
If I want to think positive or optimistic thoughts, I will use positive affirmations such as, “I can do it”, “I will be successful at this”, “I will give a killer presentation”, “I will earn that promotion”, “I will walk across the stage and get that award” or “I am getting better everyday.” There are literally thousands of positive statements, individually designed, that can help you focus your thoughts in a positive direction.
The extensive research on this subject proves without a shadow of doubt that the things we say to ourselves influence our beliefs, attitudes and actions and ultimately the level of success, happiness and fulfillment we enjoy.

  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • contributevt. 捐助,投稿 vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因之一
  • ultimatelyadv. 最后,最终
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • internaladj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的
  • intentionaladj. 企图的,策划的,故意的
  • extensiveadj. 广泛的,广阔的,广大的
  • consistentlyadj. 一致的,始终如一的
  • interruptv. 打断,打扰,中止,中断 n. [计算机]中断
  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪