生活英语听力文章(MP3+中英字幕) 第25期:幸福是一种选择(1)
日期:2015-11-20 17:21



Happiness is a Choice

Although it may be tempting to dismiss a call to happiness during this time of worldwide struggle and strife as overly optimistic or too simplistic, let me tell you now that I believe this is the perfect time for a reminder that when it comes to happiness, all of us have a choice.
In fact, choosing to be happy is one of the very few essential decisions that we get to keep regardless of age, stage of life, or present situation. It’s a decision that can’t be taken away, and no one else can make it for you.
Each one of us gets to choose, every single moment of every day, whether or not we decide to be happy.
It Pays to Be Happy
When we choose to be happy, the rewards are truly great. First and foremost, happy people are more likable and desirable to be around. Isn’t it amazing how we’re drawn to people with sunny dispositions? One of the many consequences of this phenomenon of human nature is that happy people regularly benefit from the enthusiastic help and cooperation of others.
Secondly, happy people consistently report an improved quality of life. They enjoy life and everything in it more than people who aren’t happy.
I can personally attest to the connection between happiness and improved quality of life. Many years ago, I decided that I would be intentional about choosing to be happy. I didn’t just say I wanted to be happy, I found out what I needed to do to make happiness a daily reality for me.
Nine Choices Happy People Make
In their book, How We Choose to Be Happy: The 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People, authors Rick Foster and Greg Hicks present the results of interviews with happy people all over the world, from all walks of life. They found and wrote about nine specific choices commonly made by happy people. As you can see, most of these are things we already know about, and may even already practice.
The key, as I discussed in What is Easy to Do is Not Easy to Do, is to use your personal initiative to do the little things that are easy to do, and do them consistently. Here’s the list of choices that Foster and Hicks came up with:
1. Intend to Be Happy. This is the fully conscious decision to choose happiness over unhappiness. Check out Learn to Enjoy What You Don’t Enjoy.
2. Be Accountable. You make the choice to assume full personal responsibility for your actions, thoughts and feelings, as well as to refuse to blame others for your own unhappiness. It is also the practice of seeing ourselves as having control over our own lives, rather than being at the receiving end of circumstances.

  • desirableadj. 值得有的,令人满意的,有吸引力的 n. 有吸引
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • initiativeadj. 创始的,初步的,自发的 n. 第一步,首创精神
  • enthusiasticadj. 热情的,热心的
  • intendvt. 想要,计划,打算,意指
  • optimisticadj. 乐观的,乐观主义的
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • refusev. 拒绝 n. 垃圾,废物 adj. 无用的
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • fostervt. 养育,培养,促进,鼓励,抱有(希望等) adj.