生活英语听力文章(MP3+中英字幕) 第96期:怎样正确做关键性决定(2)
日期:2016-03-31 16:16



The first hour passed. Although the Florida highway patrol said they were sending an officer, they never showed up. AAA told me repeatedly that help was on the way, but none showed up. My car company’s roadside service truck never showed up, and no one answered the phone from the emergency roadside phone.
Finally a Florida Road Rangers’ truck showed up. Great news, right? No, because as he got out of the truck he locked the door with his keys, phone, and radio in the truck. Although the gas cans were easily accessible in the back of the truck, he refused to give me gas because he feared I would leave him alone alongside of the road by himself.
Understanding the new facts of the situation, I now had another decision to make, so I asked, “What are my options?”
I could sit back and wait for one of the people I previously called to show up.
I could call everyone again and speak to his or her superiors.
I could go back to emergency box and continue to try to reach someone.
I could persuade the Florida Road Ranger to break a window in his truck.
The first three options again brought no results. Another hour passed. My only option left was to try to convince the truck driver to break his window. After offering him $100, he accepted my payment and broke his window.
In making the first decision, if I had stopped with the most obvious options, I would never have thought about calling the Florida Road Rangers and after two hours no one would have shown up. When making the second decision, if I had not considered all my options, I would never have thought about offering him $100 to break his window.
Make Great Decisions Every Time
After using this simple two-question decision-making process for more than 10 years, it is now part of my DNA. Every time I have a decision to make I immediately ask myself two questions: “What are the facts? What are my options? Of the thousands of decisions I have made using this formula, I have found the right decision is almost always obvious.
When you are next faced with making a decision, ask yourself “What are the facts?” and “What are my options?” Then analyze your results. As you begin using this basic formula, you will seldom make a bad decision. If you do, it will generally be as a result of you not taking the time to consider all your options.
If you analyze the facts, consider your options and be creative in your thought process, you will consistently make GREAT decisions.

  • accessibleadj. 可得到的,易接近的,可进入的
  • rangern. 守林人,骑警,突击队员
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前
  • paymentn. 支付,付款,报偿,报应
  • persuadevt. 说服,劝说
  • creativeadj. 创造性的
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的
  • formulan. 公式,配方,规则;代乳品 adj. (赛车的)级的
  • convincevt. 使确信,使信服,说服
  • consistentlyadj. 一致的,始终如一的