生活英语听力文章(MP3+中英字幕) 第34期:允许我们繁荣的理由(2)
日期:2015-12-03 10:49



5. Your Influence on People’s Lives—As your influence grows, people will look to you and follow the example you set, which can be very rewarding and fulfilling. Remember, as a leader when you do the little things to get better, everyone you lead gets better.
6. Children’s Education—The cost of education in America is on the rise each year. The more money you make, the better able you will be to provide educational opportunities for your children. Would providing the best possible education for your children bring greater satisfaction to your life?
7. Reduces Financial Pressure—How would you feel if you never had to worry about your finances? Would your stress level be different? The number one source of tension in a marriage is finances. Would you be able to improve your relationship with your spouse? For those of you who are struggling financially, what would an extra $100,000 do for your peace of mind?
8. Better Health—There are countless studies that show a clear link between money and health. Affluent people tend to eat better foods, take nutritional supplements, and exercise with greater consistency (using the same discipline that allowed them to succeed in their business or occupation).
9. Retire Early—If you can save enough money to live off the income of your investments, you can choose to retire early to travel, enjoy life’s experiences and pursue your passion. While early retirement is not for everyone, having enough money to make the choice is attractive.
10. Quality of Life—Money can afford you a better quality of life. I am typing this post in my home office overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. It is beautiful! There is no doubt the beauty of the Gulf and the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach brings me great enjoyment and reminds me of the gratitude I have for the quality of life I am able to experience.
I believe thinking negatively about money is an unproductive belief and as long as you think that way, so will go the course of your life. I believe God wants us to give our very best to what we do and who we become and if we earn a lot of money in the process, so much the better. We can use that money to improve our lives and the lives of our family and through our charitable giving we can impact the lives of those who are less fortunate.
I challenge you to make a commitment that you will stretch yourself to become the person who will attract more money into your life through your hard work, discipline and wise decisions.

  • disciplinen. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科 vt. 训练,惩罚
  • spousen. 配偶
  • stretchn. 伸展,张开 adj. 可伸缩的 v. 伸展,张开,
  • commitmentn. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行
  • satisfactionn. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信
  • affluentadj. 富裕的 n. 支流
  • charitableadj. 仁慈的,(为)慈善事业的,宽恕的
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战
  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • passionn. 激情,酷爱