生活英语听力文章(MP3+中英字幕) 第67期:如何提升自尊(1)
日期:2016-01-29 13:19



Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.The title of today's lesson is 14 Ways to Build Your Self-Esteem by Denis Waitley.




Recently I listened to an interview between Denis Waitley, one of the greatest teachers in human achievement and Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine. One of the questions Hardy asked Waitley was, “How can people improve their self-esteem?”
Waitley first defined the term by saying, “Your self-esteem is the deep-down, inside-the-skin feeling of your own worth, regardless of how you look or where you came from. It is the feeling of worthiness—just being glad you are you. It’s the feeling of identity—finding something unique about yourself. It has the feeling of competency—if I do something and it works out, it gives me the courage to do something more.”
Continuing, Waitley listed fourteen ways that people can strengthen their self-esteem.
1. Lead with your hand. When you walk into a room always lead with your hand by offering a firm handshake. This gives you a feeling of self-assurance and indicates to others that you are confident in who you are.
1. 从手开始[m93,O)txjXedCv_Vd&。当你走进一个房间,你要时常先给对方一个坚定的握手ul4SyhKf4zzp。这能给你自我肯定的感觉,也给他人展现出你的自信%#!y9W#HOw;;~D;
2. Make eye contact. Making eye contact indicates you are a caring person capable of holding the glass of another person.
2. 眼神交流1NT,UYN1pOff。眼神的交流显示了你是一个关切他人的人,能够帮助他人_e&EbjOGcn;QkVBIOP.
3. Offer Your Name First When meeting people, always introduce yourself by saying your name.
3. 先报上名h_fa[N;HKOTtPOOvfHGl。当你和人会面时,应该时常自报姓名地介绍自己_VOSECI~0H(N
4. Smile. A smile indicates there’s a light on in your window and that you are a caring and sharing person inside.
4. 保持微笑;=UsJvez(gh=9;。一个微笑就像一窗户上的一道光,表示你是真心关怀和分享的人w0Qr_lk#e*yh(*%Dfq
5. Dress your best. Always dress your best—not necessarily in designer clothing—and take pride in how you look. It’s the outside of the package that draws people in.
5. 漂亮穿衣QQI~,l9BNS70Gk。永远要穿你最漂亮的衣服——不一定是名牌的——为自己的打扮感到自豪(2VURKeFZHxFyt。外在的包装也拉近人的距离mNDEj,qw*c
6. Ask engaging questions. When you ask questions you are demonstrating your genuine interest in others.
6. 魅力提问y)a@eB4h^K。当你提问时,你是在展示你对他人真正所感兴趣的地方UNu.JEMTGw)Tk
7. Sit in front. When you attend meetings, sit up front and be an active participant.
7. 坐在前面EZoZFh[.rT。当你参加会议时,要坐在前排,做积极的与会人[rg7..cTiwGy.W,2li
8. Walk with confidence. Walk with a spring in your step—a certain type of charisma and feeling about yourself.
8. 步伐自信mEVg#-KC1t*)B~bn。走路步伐要轻快——领导者的一个典型特征,自我鉴赏8PG!CKOG-3a
9. Use a positive explanatory style. Listen carefully to how people describe themselves, as that often tells a lot about how people feel about themselves. Do they say negative things? Do they make excuses? Always explain yourself with a positive explanatory style.
9. 积极阐述sAjcwY*CfHQzOqhI&1。认真地听别人阐述自己,这通常也表明他们如何看待他们自己.bPa7w]CHFi。他们会说自己的负面信息吗?他们给自己找托词吗?你要一直用积极的言语阐述你自己k3Vv~p6P@y=vD。 

  • genuineadj. 真正的,真实的,真诚的
  • handshaken. 握手
  • explanatoryadj. 说明的,解释的
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • participantn. 参与者
  • priden. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心 vt. 以 .
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • definedadj. 有定义的,确定的;清晰的,轮廓分明的 v. 使
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • strengthenv. 加强,变坚固