日期:2014-11-05 09:59



Dear Kitten, you've probably noticed that there's a new "thing" in the house. It is called "a dog." And I know this because before you, I had a best friend named Peanut. Rest in peace. At first I assumed Peanut was just a very ugly cat, charming in his own way, but terrible breath. Awful. So kitten, here are some things that you need to know.
亲爱的小猫,你大概已经发现这房子里有一个新来的“东西”。 它叫做“一只狗”。而我会知道这事,是因为在你之前,我有一个最要好的朋友叫花生。愿它安息。起初我以为花生只是一只非常丑的猫,以它特有的方式吸引人,但有可怕的口臭。糟透了。所以小猫,这里有几件你必须得知道的事。
Dear Kitten, imagine a cat. Now take away independence, cleanliness, and intelligence. What you have left is basically a dog. Here's an example. Yesterday, I saw the dog sitting on his butt scooching forward with his front paws. And he looked over at me, and you know what he said? He said, "Check it out. I'm walking on two legs, just like the peoples do." I mean, that gives you an idea what we're dealing with here.
亲爱的小猫,想像一只猫。 现在拿掉独立、干净、以及智慧。你剩下来的那些特质基本上就是一只狗。这里有个例子。在昨天,我看到那狗屁股坐着用它的前掌蠕动前进。然后它看向我,你知道它说了什么吗?它说:“你看。我用两只腿在走路,就像人一样耶(注一)。”我的意思是,那给了你一些概念了解我们现在是在和什么打交道。


Dear Kitten, you might see me get a little "Ninja Crazy Town" now and then, you know, like a woo-cha...woo...Don't get freaked out. I'm just expressing dominance, which is—oh my...no. You are not good at that. That was actually worse. It looked like your spine just sneezed. No, boy.
Dear Kitten, you might hear the phrase "a dog is a man's best friend." That is, frankly, incredible marketing on their part. I don't know how they did it. They're certainly not buying ads in the newspaper. I mean, have you seen what they do with newspapers? Trust me, it's the opposite of reading, if you know what I mean. I mean, they poop on them.
Dear Kitten, the dog is the sort of creature that will decide whether it should put something in its mouth by putting it in its mouth. That's the level of decision-making that goes on. They basically eat everything, case in point, butt paper. They even eat those weird, brown, dehydrated, pip nuggets that the humans give us. Don't get mad. Let the dog eat all of our dried food. If it gets caught, it gets put in jail, and right then we can enjoy the moist deliciousness of the can without interruption. It's a gambit.


Dear Kitten, you may hear the dog being referred to as a "puppy," which I think is some sort of a French way of saying "puppet." This explains why they attach that string to him from time to time—worst marionette ever, if you ask me. But the point is that if they try to put that string on you, just freeze. You don't want to get into show business, trust me.
Dear Kitten, yes, the dog can be cuddly at times. I mean, just today it came over and it started licking me inside of my ears. Was it weird? Yes. But also rather pleasant. Don't judge. When they get happy, stay to the front, because their tails become some sort of a weird, psycho, furious sword. And I've seen them take the legs right out from under a baby.
Dear Kitten, our lives just got a bit more difficult, and alone time will be harder to find. But at least we can rest assured that the humans won't get too lonely during our naps. And perhaps that is enough. Weeha! That's right, doggy. Bow down.





1.安息- Rest In Peace
And I know this because before you, I had a best friend named Peanut. Rest in peace.

2.与...打交道、应付 - Deal With
I mean, that gives you an idea what we're dealing with here.

3.使某人吓得要死 - Freak Out
Don't get freaked out.

4.恰当的例子 - Case In Point
They basically eat everything, case in point, butt paper.

5.有时、偶尔 - From Time To Time
This explains why they attach that string to him from time to time...

6.有时、不时 - At Times
Dear Kitten, yes, the dog can be cuddly at times.

7.放心- Rest Assured
But at least we can rest assured that the humans won't get too lonely during our naps.

  • dominancen. 支配(控制,统治,权威,优势)
  • attachv. 附上,系上,贴上,使依恋
  • stringn. 线,一串,字串 vt. 串起,成串,收紧,悬挂;系
  • moistadj. 潮湿的,湿润的 (果物)多汁的 [医]有分泌物
  • assuredadj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过
  • assumedadj. 假装的;假定的
  • incredibleadj. 难以置信的,惊人的
  • bown. 弓 n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头 v. 鞠躬,成弓形,
  • kittenn. 小猫 vi. 生育小猫
  • intelligencen. 理解力,智力 n. 情报,情报工作,情报机关