日期:2011-12-09 13:46
现在就是揭秘真相的时刻 。用这一伎俩来吸引女孩子吧 。这个魔术在酒吧很很奏效,而且易于掌握,材料又是随手可得 。你应该会想:哇,这太炫了!Step 1: Prepare
第一步:准备All you need is a beer and a napkin. I bet you that I can open this beer with this napkin. Now I will show you how to do it. You fold the napkin and roll it up really tight. Be sure to make the middle very tight. This is the part that we are going to use to open the bottle with. You fold it in half, this will make it very hard at the end.
所有你需要准备的就是一瓶啤酒和餐巾 。我敢打赌,我可以用餐巾打开这瓶啤酒 。现在我将告诉你如何去做 。叠起餐巾并且要卷的很紧 。一定要让中间非常紧 。这就是我们将用来打开啤酒的部分 。你把它对折,这样后面就非常锋利 。Step 2: Perform
Now we take the napkin and press it hard against the bottle cap and pull upwards and there we go, just like that. And that's how you open a beer with a napkin. Okay, we now have the rolled up napkin, we press it hard against the bottle cap and try to catch one or two of the. . .
现在,我们拿着餐巾并对啤酒瓶盖施加相反的力,嘿,你成功了!祝贺你!就是这样 。这就是全部 。好吧,我们现在用餐巾继续开启瓶盖吧 。词语解释:
1. reveal v. 揭晓
2. material n. 原材料
3. napkin n. 餐巾