Don't let your fears or your naivete stop you from having fun in the city. Find out what others have learned to become street savvy.
不要让你的恐惧或无知妨碍你享受大城市的乐趣 。看看其他人是怎样自由穿梭在城市四通八达的道路上的 。
You Will Need
A map
Walking shoes
A cell phone
The right attitude
A confident walk
Trust in your instincts
A cross-shoulder bag (optional)
STEP 1 Map out the day
Map out the day, literally. If you're headed for parts unknown, consult your map and write down directions. Take the map with you in case you need it again.
在地图上准确地绘制出路线 。如果你向不认识的地方走,查看地图,写下方向 。随身携带地图,以防再次需要 。
STEP 2 Dress for your adventure
Dress simply and wear comfortable walking shoes. Leave the jewelry at home. Pack a fully charged cell phone and slip extra money into a front pocket. Never put valuables in your back pocket.
简单着装,穿舒适的步行鞋 。把珠宝留在家里 。手机充满电,前面的口袋里多装一点钱备用 。背包里不要放贵重物品 。
Women should hold their purses close to their bodies or use cross-shoulder bags instead. It's convenient and a great organizer; and also easy to slip off quickly in a tight situation.
女性的钱包应该贴身存放,或者使用挎包 。这更加方便,更容易整理,紧急情况下也更容易逃生 。
STEP 3 Get an attitude
Prepare yourself mentally before you open your door to leave. Adopt an attitude that projects confidence.
出门前精神方面做好准备 。采取自信的态度 。
STEP 4 Act the attitude
Act the attitude. Let the attitude show in how carry yourself. Walk briskly and with purpose. Put a little swagger into your step. And, for heaven's sake, don't pull out your map until you're in a store recess, out of view.
行为也要有正确的态度 。让你的态度表现在行为上 。脚步轻快,有目标 。脚步中多一点趾高气扬 。不要随时随地拿出地图,除非走到商场别人看不到的地方 。
Experts recommend never making eye contact with strangers in a big city.
专家建议,在大城市里不要和陌生人目光接触 。
STEP 5 Always be aware of your surroundings
Stay on well-lit streets. Always be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. If your instincts give you a nudge, pay attention and move away.
待在光线比较好的街道上 。时刻注意周围的环境和人 。如果你的本能告诉你有危险,一定要引起注意,立即走开 。
Watch out for sudden activity or commotion by one or more persons – it may be the start of a con to distract you so someone can pick your pocket or snatch your purse.
要注意一人或多人突然的行动或暴乱——这或许是为了转移你的注意力的骗局,从而方便别人偷你的钱包 。
STEP 6 Exercise caution on public transportation
Exercise caution when using public transportation. Sit near the driver on a bus and in the conductor's car on a train or subway, especially during off-peak hours.
使用公共交通工具时要保持警惕 。在公交车上要坐在司机附近,在火车或地铁上坐在售票员车厢,尤其是非高峰期 。
Sit in the center of the car – seats near the doors are vulnerable to a purse snatch when the doors open.
如果你坐在汽车中心——接近车门的位置,停车开门时你的钱包很容易被偷 。
STEP 7 Cross the street if someone's following you
Cross the street or change direction if you think someone is following you. If they continue to follow you, head for the nearest open store or restaurant, and don't be afraid to yell for help.
如果你觉得有人在追踪你,穿过马路或改变方向 。如果他们继续跟踪你,前往最近的开放商场或餐馆,不要害怕大喊求助 。
STEP 8 Enjoy yourself
Don't forget to enjoy yourself. Now that you're armed with street smarts, you can take on the city.
不要忘记享受乐趣 。现在你已经了解了逛街必备小贴士了,可以走向城市街头了 。
Crimes are typical in Hogan's Alley, a tiny "mock" city in Virginia built by the FBI in 1987, to train new recruits and local, state, and Federal law enforcement in investigative techniques, firearms, and defensive tactics.
佛吉尼亚州的Hogan's Alley犯罪非常常见 。这是FBI于1987年建立的一个小型模拟城市,是为了训练新招募人员,地方,州级和联邦执法人员的调查技巧,枪械和防御策略 。