Surrounded by unhealthy friends and family? Skip the nagging and practice the ancient art of psychological jujitsu. They'll never see you coming.
周围都是不健康的朋友和家人?不要发牢骚,不着痕迹地使用最古老的心理战术 。他们永远不会感觉到你的目的 。
You Will Need
Care and concern
Confident cunning
Lack of scruples (optional)
While this video is awesome, it didn't go to medical school. Always consult your doctor for actual medical advice.
尽管这段视频很精彩,但是并不代表医疗意见 。一定要向医生咨询更确切的医疗建议 。
Step 1 Pretend they're in charge
Let them think it's their idea. Ask rhetorical questions they'll answer yes to, like, "Wouldn't it be great to be fabulously thin?" Then,casually mention a number of different options that could help. By making a choice, they'll feel in control and empowered.
让他们认为这是他们自己的想法 。问一些他们肯定会回答“是”的问题,例如“拥有苗条的身材是不是很好呢?”然后,随意提起几个能够起到帮助的不同选择 。通过做选择,他们会感到自己掌握了控制权 。
Phrase your questioning as if it's pertinent to you, not them. They might be likelier to do something for your sake than for their own.
问问题的时候,让他们感觉好像和你有关 。相对自己,他们更有可能为你做某些事 。
Step 2 Fool them into a checkup
Fool them into getting a checkup by turning it into sport. Arrange a scavenger hunt with items like "your cholesterol levels" or "proof of a flu shot."
通过运动的方式哄他们进行体检 。安排寻宝活动,不知不觉哄他们检测胆固醇水平或注射流感疫苗 。
Step 3 Send them on errands
Send them on meaningless errands to get their heart rate up. Your knee is aching – surely they wouldn't mind getting the book you left upstairs? Oops, sorry, the other book. Thanks … oh, also your reading glasses?
给他们安排一些没有意义的任务,增加他们的心律 。假装膝盖疼痛,他们肯定不介意上楼为你拿书 。唉呦,还有一本书!谢谢!对了,还要拿一下眼镜!
Give the fake errands some fake urgency; claim they're giving away free ice cream on the other side of the mall.
派遣任务的时候假装紧急一点 。声称免费冰激凌忘在商场的另一端了 。
Step 4 Use mind tricks
Play mind tricks. Because most people tend to believe what's said about them, if you refer to someone as energetic and active, they'll begin to feel – and then act – that way.
玩一点心理战术 。因为大部分人相信别人说的关于他的话,如果你赞美某个人精力充沛,充满活力,他们会开始感觉确实这样,也会开始这样做 。
Step 5 Throw down the gauntlet
Challenge them to a little healthy competition, whether it's running laps or lifting weights. The thrill of victory can be a powerful motivator, so do what you can to make the contest believably close … but always in their favor.
用一点有益健康的比赛挑战他们,无论是高抬腿跑还是举重 。胜利的喜悦是一种非常有效的动力,所以,尽最大可能让竞争尽可能接近,但是最终却让他们获胜 。
One study found that rats that ran regularly created new brain cells that were protected from stress.
一项研究发现,经常奔跑的老鼠会产生抗压的大脑细胞 。
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