跟可可走遍美国: A Real Stewart一个真正的 Stewart家的后代ACTII
日期:2009-08-04 16:18



A Real Stewart一个真正的 Stewart家的后代II教师讲解版视频

Later that night. The family is in the living room. They are talking and wrapping gifts for the baby.

Susan:[She looks at her watch and enters the living room] It's almost ten o'clock. I've got to go.Tomorrow is Monday, and work begins at eight in the morning for me.Oh, I'm so happy that Max is home.He's the sweetest little thing.

Ellen:I'll drive you to the station,dear. You can catch the ten-twenty train to Grand Central Station.

Philip:I'll drive Susan, dear.

Ellen:Thank you, Philip. Then Grandpa, Robbie, and I can finish wrapping all these gifts.

Upstairs in Marilyn and Richard's room. Marilyn and Richardare watching Max sleep.

Richard:It's so good to have you home again…and to see Max asleep in his bassinet at home with us.

Marilyn:To be with our family and all that Stewart TLC.

Richard:TLC----tender loving care. That's our motto.

Marilyn:Did you see the washcloth and the towels with the teddy bears on them? Alexandra and the Molinas sent them for Max.

Richard:It was so kind of them. Now Max has come into every one's life.

Marilyn:The house is so alive with him here. The welcome sign over the door. The boxes of presents. The

M-A-X over his bassinet. Robbie put that there.

[She laughs] Susan's teddy bear. [She hold sit] So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad.

Richard:Oh, and Grandpa's baseball glove. You know, it hung over my crib, too. And it hung over Robbie's crib.

Marilyn:Part of Grandpa's magic?

Richard:Oh, that's not all. It hung over Susan's crib.

Marilyn:The same baseball glove?

Richard:That's right. Grandpa hangs it there for good luck. He says it always brought him good luck on the baseball team. He believes it'll bring good luck to all the Stewart babies.

Marilyn:And then he takes it back when Max is ready touse it?

Richard:Yes, and replaces in with a new glove so the old one will be ready for a new member of the Stewart family.

Marilyn:Grandpa really loves his family, doesn't he? So do I.

Richard:And so do I.

[The baby begins to cry.]

Richard:And so does Max.

Marilyn:After he eats!


It's almost ten o'clock. 差不多十点了。
I've got to go. Tomorrow is Monday, 我得走了。明天是星期一。
and work begins at eight in the morning for me. 早晨八点我就得开始工作。
Oh, I'm so happy that Max is home. 噢,我真高兴Max回到家了。
He's the sweetest little thing. 他是最可爱的小家伙。
I'll drive you to the station, dear. 我开车送你到车站,亲爱的。
You can catch the ten-twenty train to Grand Central Station. 你能赶上开往Grand Central Station的十点二十分班车。
I'll drive Susan, dear. 我送Susan ,亲爱的。
Thank you, Philip. 谢谢你,Philip。
Then Grandpa, Robbie, 那么爷爷,Robbie,
and I can finish wrapping all these gifts. 和我可以把这些礼物包装完。
It's so good to have you home again ... 真高兴又回家了...... ?
and to see Max asleep in his bassinet at home with us. 真高兴看到Max和我们一起睡在家里的摇篮。
To be with our family and all that Stewart TLC. 真高兴和全家人在一起,受到Stewart家族无微不至的照顾。
TLC--tender loving care. TLC----温暖的爱护和关怀。
That's our motto. 这是我们的格言。
Did you see the washcloth 你看见浴巾
and the towels with the teddy bears on them? 上面有泰迪绒毛玩具熊的?
Alexandra and the Molinas sent them for Max. 那是Alexandra和 Molina全家送给Max的。
It was so kind of them. 他们太客气了。
Now Max has come into everyone's life. 现在Max走进了每个人的生活。
The house is so alive with him here. 有了他在这间屋显得生气蓬勃。
The welcome sign over the door. 门上的欢迎标语。
The boxes of presents. 那些礼物盒。
The M-A-X over his bassinet. 摇篮上的MAX字样。
Robbie put that there. 这是Robbie弄的。
Susan's teddy bear. Susan送的泰迪绒玩具熊。
So cuddly. The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad. 抱起来真舒服。爸爸妈妈送的漂亮婴儿床。
Oh, and Grandpa's baseball glove. 噢,还有爷爷的棒球手套。
You know, it hung over my crib, too. 要知道,我的小床也曾有过它。
And it hung over Robbie's crib. Robbie的小床也有过。
Part of Grandpa's magic? 这是爷爷的魔法的一部分吗?
Oh, that's not all. 噢,还没完呢。
It hung over Susan's crib. Susan的小床也曾有过。
The same baseball glove? 同一个棒球手套吗?
That's right. Grandpa hangs it there for good luck. 是的。爷爷把它挂起以求好运。
He says it always brought him good luck on the baseball team. 他说当年他在棒球队时手套总是带给他好运。
He believes it'll bring good luck to all the Stewart babies. 他相信这手套会给Stewart家所有的婴儿带来好运。
And then he takes it back 然后他就把它收着
when Max is ready to use it? 当Max长大能使用这手套时?
Yes, 是的,
and replaces it with a new glove 用一个新的手套来换
so the old one will be ready 而这个旧的又可准备
for a new member of the Stewart family. 给Stewart家的新成员了。
Grandpa really loves his family, doesn't he? 爷爷确实很爱这个家庭,是吗?
So do I. 我也一样。
And so do I. 我也一样。
And so does Max. Max也一样。
After he eats! 等他吃饱了!



1.It's almost ten o'clock. I've got to go.Tomorrow is Monday, and work begins at eight in the morning for me.

我得走了。在英美国家, 当客人或来访者要走时, 一般提一下当时的时间, 再说该走了。例如:“It's late, I have to leave. ”这时主人不宜强行婉留, 客人也不要说“打扰了, 耽误你的时间了”之类的话。致谢、道别即可。

2.I'll drive you to the station,dear.

载某人到哪里可以用这个句型。接某人还有一个短语,可以用pich up。

3.It was so kind of them.


4.The house is so alive with him here.

so表示如此,有感叹句的色彩。就好像前面的那句:It's so good to have you home again。

5.Grandpa really loves his family, doesn't he? So do I.

doesn't he表示反问,只是为了增强语气,不需要回答。




1. 今天的美国家庭的孩子数量比上几代人少。根据统计结果, 现在的美国家庭平均有一到两个孩子。很多年轻父母甚至不愿有小孩。

2. Teddy bear是一种直立的小玩具熊, 造型普遍受到全球小孩欢迎。它的命名, 来自美国老罗斯福总统Theodore Roosevelt(昵称为Ted或Teddy)。罗斯福总统公余之暇, 酷爱猎熊。有一天和一群朋友到林中打猎, 突然看到一只小熊, 直挺挺的站在他面前, 模样可爱极了。罗斯福一时起了恻隐之心, 缓缓放下手中猎枪, 放走这只小熊, 这事经过报纸报导, 立刻传遍全国, 美国的爱护动物者趁机大事褒扬罗斯福总统的一念之善。这时一位面包店的老板一时兴起, 便根据那只可爱小熊的造型, 制成一批玩具, 命名为Teddy bear, 不料深受小朋友喜爱, 立刻销售一空, 终于使那位面包店老板改行, 大量制造Teddy bear出售, 造成全国风行, 至今不衰。

童谣Teddy bear http://www.kekenet.com/child/24557.shtml


Aging in European Countries

We have to realise how old, how very old, we are. Nations are classified as "aged" when they have 7 per cent or more of their people aged 65 or above, and by about 1970 every one of the advanced countries had become like this. Of the really ancient societies, with over 13 per cent above 65, all are in Northwestern Europe. At the beginning of the 1980's East Germany had 15.6 per cent, Austria, Sweden, West Germany and France had 13.4 per cent or above, and England and Wales 13.3 per cent. Scotland had 12.3 per cent. Northern Ireland 10.8 percent and the United States 9.9 per cent. We know that we are getting even older, and that the nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is likely to be - at least, for any future that concerns us now.
To these now familiar facts a number of further facts may be added, some of them only recently recognised. There is the apparent paradox that the effective cause of the high proportion of the old is births rather than deaths. There is the economic principle that the dependency ratio - the degree to which those who cannot earn depend for a living on those who can - is more advantageous in older societies like ours than in the younger societies of the developing world, because lots of dependent babies are more of a liability than numbers of the inactive aged. There is the appreciation of the salient historical truth that the aging or advanced societies has been a sudden change.
If "revolution" is a rapid resettlement of the social structure, and if the age composition of the society counts as a very important aspect of that social structure, then there has been a social revolution in European and particularly Western European society within the lifetime of everyone over 50. Taken together, these things have implications which are only beginning to be acknowledged. These facts and circumstances were well to the fore earlier this year at a world gathering about aging as a challenge to science and to policy, held at Vichy in France.
There is often resistance to the idea that it is because the birthrate fell earlier in Western and Northwestern Europe than elsewhere, rather than because of any change in the death rate, that we have grown so old. But this is what elementary demography makes clear. Long life is altering our society, of course, but in experiential terms. We have among us a very much greater experience of continued living than any society that has ever preceded us anywhere, and this will continue. But too much of that lengthened experience, even in the wealthy West, will be experience of poverty and neglect, unless we do something about it .
If you are now in your thirties, you ought to be aware that you can expect to live nearly one third of the rest of your life after the age of 60. The older you are now, of course, the greater this proportion will be, and greater still if you are a woman. Expectation of life is a slippery figure, very easy to get wrong at the highest ages. At Vichy the demographers were telling each other that their estimates of how many old there would be and how long they will live in countries like England and Wales are due for revision upwards.



  • demographyn. 人口统计学
  • compositionn. 作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份
  • elementaryadj. 基本的,初级的,元素的
  • dependentadj. 依靠的,依赖的,从属的 n. 受援助者
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • advantageousadj. 有利的,有助的,有益的
  • revisionn. 校订,修正,修订本,复习
  • revolutionn. 革命,旋转,转数
  • inactiveadj. 不活动的;不活跃的;怠惰的;闲置的
  • proportionn. 比例,均衡,部份,(复)体积,规模 vt. 使成比