跟可可走遍美国:The Right Magic 钓鱼秘诀ACT II
日期:2009-06-05 18:41



The Right Magic 钓鱼秘诀ACT II视频

The Right Magic 钓鱼秘诀ACT II教师讲解版视频

At a lake in upstate New York the next morning. Grandpa, Philip, and Robbie are preparing to fish.

Robbie:This is really neat! When do we eat?

Philip:First, we have to catch some fish. In order to catch fish, you have to do this. [He prepares the fishing line.] Here we go. That's it. Then drop it into the water. All of this comes before eating. OK?

Robbie:How do you know so much about fishing?

Philip:Grandpa taught me. We spent a lot of time fishing together.Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish.All right? Like this. [He puts his fishing line into the water.]

Robbie:I think I see some fish right under us, Dad.

Philip:Oh, not a chance!

Robbie:I just saw a big one!

[A young boy arrives with a fishing rod.]

Grandpa:Hi, there!


Grandpa:What's your name?


Grandpa:Are you all alone?

Albert:Yes, sir.

Grandpa:How old are you, Albert?

Albert:I'm ten.

Philip:Where's your father?

Albert:He's up there at the lodge.

Philip:Does he know you're here?

Albert:Yes, sir.

Philip:Ok, Robbie, maybe you should watch him. The water's pretty deep here.

Robbie:I'll watch him, Dad.

A little while later. They are still fishing.

Robbie:What time is it?

Grandpa:It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet.

Robbie:I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks.

Philip:No way!We're here to catch our lunch.

Grandpa:To catch fish, you need the right magic.

Philip:That's right. I forgot! The right magic. Do it for Robbie, Dad.

Grandpa:You remember?

Philip:Sure. Come on.

Grandpa:Well, first, you have to turn your hat around like this. Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. Fish, fish, send me a fish.

Robbie: [He closes his eyes.] Fish, fish, send me a fish…I got one!

Grandpa:See, it works?

Robbie:It's a big one!

Philip:Well, it always worked for me, too.

Robbie:Grandpa, get the net, please!

[Grandpa gets the net, and Robbie finally catches the fish. ]

Robbie:Dad, you got one, too!

Philip:You bet I have! [Philip brings up a boot from the water. ]

Grandpa:Easy, Philip, easy.

Robbie:Sorry, Dad.

Philip:Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots.

Robbie:You didn't say the magic words.

Grandpa:Robbie's right.

Philip:Yes, but you did, and we've got our lunch. Let's build a fire and cook it! Come on, Albert, you can help us!

Albert:I want to stay here and fish.

Grandpa:All right, but be careful.

A little later. Grandpa, Philip, and Robbie are around their campfire.

Robbie:Is it finished yet?

Philip:I think so. I hope you like your fish well done.

Grandpa:Burned,you mean.

Philip:Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef.

[They hear Albert calling from the lake.]

Albert:Help! Help! I can't swim!

Robbie:Dad! Grandpa! He fell in!

[Robbie and Philip rush to save Albert. They pull him from the water and place him on the dock.]

Philip:Easy does it, Robbie. That a boy. That's it.

Grandpa:He's not breathing, Philip!

Philip:Robbie, run to the car! Bring a blanket and my medical bag.

Robbie:Yes, Dad.

[Philip slowly breathes into the boy's mouth.]

Philip:Now, come on, son. Come on, son.

Grandpa:Breathe, Albert!


This is really neat! 太好了!
When do we eat? 我们什么时候吃?
First, we have to catch some fish. 首先,我们得钓几条鱼。
In order to catch fish, you have to do this. 要钓鱼你就得这样。
Here we go. 现在可以开始了。
That's it. 就这样。
Then drop it into the water. 然后把它扔到水。
All of this comes before eating. OK? 这些都是在吃之前得做的事,知道吗?
How do you know so much about fishing? 你对钓鱼怎么知道那么多?
Grandpa taught me. 爷爷教我的。
We spent a lot of time fishing together. 我们以前常常一起钓鱼。
Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish. 现在,重要的是让鱼钩靠近鱼。
All right? 知道吗?
Like this. 像这样。
I think I see some fish right under us, Dad. 爸爸,我想我看见一些鱼就在我们下方的水里。
Oh, not a chance! 啊,不可能。
I just saw a big one! 我刚才看见一条大鱼!
Hi, there! 你好!
Hi. 你好。
What's your name? 你叫什么名字?
Albert. Albert。
Are you all alone? 就你一个人吗?
Yes, sir. 是的,先生。
How old are you, Albert? 几岁啦,Albert?
I'm ten. 十岁。
Where's your father? 你爸爸在哪?
He's up there at the lodge. 他在那边小屋里。
Does he know you're here? 他知道你在这儿吗?
Yes, sir. 是的,先生。
OK, Robbie, maybe you should watch him. Robbie,也许你得看着他点。
The water's pretty deep here. 这儿水相当深。
I'll watch him, Dad. 我会注意他的,爸爸。
What time is it? 什么时间啦?
It's almost lunchtime, and no fish yet. 差不多到午餐时间了,还没钓到鱼。
I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks. 我可以到那边小屋去弄些热狗和饮料来。
No way! 不行!
We're here to catch our lunch. 我们要在这儿钓我们的午餐。
To catch fish, you need the right magic. 要钓到鱼,你得有正确的魔法。
That's right. 对了。
I forgot! 我忘记这招!
The right magic. 正确的魔法。
Do it for Robbie, Dad. 爸爸,给Robbie示范。
You remember? 你还记得吗?
Sure. Come on. 当然记得。你来吧。
Well, first, you have to turn your hat around like this. 首先,你得把你的帽子转一下,像这样。
Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. 然后,闭上眼睛念魔语。
Fish, fish, send me a fish. 鱼,鱼,给我一条鱼。
Fish, fish, send me a fish.... I got one! 鱼,鱼,给我一条鱼……我钓到了!
See, it works! 瞧,真有效!
It's a big one! 真大哟!
Well, it always worked for me, too. 嗯,这办法对我也是屡试不爽。
Grandpa, get the net, please! 爷爷,请把网子拿来!
Dad, you got one, too! 爸爸,你也钓到一条!
You bet I have! 我当然钓到了!
Easy, Philip, easy. 慢慢来,Philip,慢慢来。
Sorry, Dad. 抱歉,爸爸。
Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots. 嗯,再钓一只我就有一双靴子了。
You didn't say the magic words. 你没有念魔语。
Robbie's right. Robbie说对了。
Yes, but you did, and we've got our lunch. 没错,如果你念了, 我们就有了午餐。
Let's build a fire and cook it! 咱们去升火烧鱼!
Come on, Albert, you can help us! 走,Albert,你来帮我们!
I want to stay here and fish. 我想呆在这儿钓鱼。
All right, but be careful. 好吧,但你得小心。
Is it finished yet? 行了吗?
I think so. 我想行了。
I hope you like your fish well done. 我想你们喜欢烧得不错的鱼。
Burned, you mean. 你的意思是烤熟的。
Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef. 嘿,我是个医生,不是厨师。
Help! Help! I can't swim! 救命!救命!我不会游泳!
Dad! Grandpa! He fell in! 爸爸!爷爷!他掉到水里去了。
Easy does it, Robbie. 慢慢来,Robbie。
That a boy. 对了。
That's it. 就这样。
He's not breathing, Philip! 他停止呼吸了,Philip。
Robbie, run to the car! Robbie,去车上!
Bring a blanket and my medical bag. 拿一条毯子和我的医疗箱来。
Yes, Dad. 好的,爸爸。
Now, come on, son. Come on, son. 醒醒,孩子。醒醒,孩子。
Breathe, Albert! 呼吸呀,Albert!



1.Here we go. =We're starting now.


2.Oh, not a chance!

不可能,相当于It's impossible.还有下文的No way!表示不行,不可能的意思。相当于中文中经常说的:没门!

3.Are you all alone?


4.The water's pretty deep here.


5.Well, it always worked for me, too.

某方法起作用和药效起作用都可以用work。如果无效的话,可以说:It doesn't work for me.

6.Let's build a fire and cook it!

生火或build a fire来表示。

7.Easy does it, Robbie.

=Relax; go slowly;take it easy.不要紧张,别慌。如果面试的时候你很紧张,面试官可能会对你说:“Take it easy;Don't be nervous.”






  1) To get out of bed on the wrong side means you will have a bad day. 下床方向错了,一天都不会顺利。

  2) It is unlucky to have a black cat cross the road in front of you. 看见黑猫在你面前横穿马路是不吉利的。

  3) The bride should not see the husband on the morning before the wedding. 在婚礼举行前的早上,新娘不应见自己的丈夫。

  4) Cattle lying down indicate rain. 牛躺下预示有雨。

  5) A cricket in the house is good luck. 屋里有蟋蟀会带来好运。

  6) To pass under a ladder brings bad luck. 从梯子下面走过会带来厄运。

  7) Lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person.一根火柴点燃三支香烟会给第三个人带来厄运。

  8) To break a mirror brings seven years' bad luck. 打碎镜子会带来7年厄运。

  9) Carrying a rabbit's foot brings good luck. 提起兔脚可交好运。

  10) Opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck. 在屋中撑伞会倒霉。




ADAM: Ah! It hurts. Don't touch it.
SCOTT: What part hurts?
ADAM: The shoulder.
SCOTT: Well, maybe you broke it. But what I'm worried about is this cut.
ADAM: It's not a cut. It's a gash! It's bigger than a cut! Ah! I need a doctor.
SCOTT: C'mon. Just don't move.
ADAM: I'm bleeding too much.
SCOTT: We don't have a decent First Aid Kit, do we?
ADAM: Yes. My bike has one under the seat. Get it, quick!
SCOTT: There's some tape, iodine, and cloth bandages.
I don't think the cloth bandages can stop the bleeding. What we need is a tourniquet.
ADAM: Wrap a few loops of the bandages around my upper arm, then twist.
That will work as a tourniquet.
After that, you can cut more of the bandages to cover the wound.
SCOTT: Good plan. Let me put some iodine on the cut.
ADAM: No, forget that! Do the tourniquet first. I'm losing too much blood.
SCOTT: Alright, alright. How did you cut this so bad?
ADAM: I ran it against that fence pole as I crashed. What do you think?
Damn, it hurts!
SCOTT: We'll have to get you to a hospital. I can ride you on the back of my bike.
ADAM: I'm lucky I wasn't killed.
I must have been going around forty-five miles an hour.
There was too much gravel on that corner. I slid out.
SCOTT: Yes, I almost slid too.
Alright. This tourniquet is tight. How does it feel?
ADAM: Make it tighter. I want the blood stopped.
Then wrap some bandages around the cut. Then we can go. Ouch! I hope I can walk.
SCOTT: Alright, I'm twisting it around. You tell me when to stop.
ADAM: There. Stop!

我一定是骑到时速 45 哩。



American Superstitions

Many of us already know about several American superstitions. Having a black cat cross your path, walking under a ladder, and breaking a mirror are all bad luck. In addition to these, there are many other superstitions that are worth knowing. Understanding them will keep you safe from evil spirits—if you believe in such things—and impress your American friends when you mention them.

Like the superstitions in other cultures, American superstitions often involve the things important in daily life, such as health, numbers, and marriage. For example, have you ever had a cough that would not go away? According to one American superstition, you should take a piece of your hair and put it between two slices of buttered bread. Next, feed this hair sandwich to a dog and say, “Eat well, you hound, may you be sick and I be sound.” This will trick the evil spirits and help your cough. It will also raise some eyebrows if you try it.

In American superstitions, the number three is very important. Often, Americans will say, "All things come in threes." Three is lucky because it represents the traditional family: mother, father, and child. Therefore, gifts, letters, and guests will often arrive at your home in groups of three. However, it is also possible for bad events, like accidents and funerals, to come in threes as well.

Another time people pay attention to superstitions is when they get married. During a wedding, brides must wear or carry “something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.” The old and borrowed things will bring luck to the person who gives them to the bride. The new and blue things will bring good fortune to the bride herself. The next time someone you know is getting married, be sure to recite this phrase.

As it would be unlucky to discuss one more superstition, we will wind things up here. Keep your fingers crossed, and stay lucky!







  • bleedingn. 出血;渗色 adj. 流血的;同情的 v. 出血;
  • indicatev. 显示,象征,指示 v. 指明,表明
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • involvevt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉
  • decentadj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的
  • iodinen. 碘,碘酒
  • blanketn. 毛毯,覆盖物,排字版 vt. 用毯子裹,扑灭,挡风
  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法
  • graveln. 碎石 v. 铺碎石,使困惑
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气