跟可可走遍美国:Grandpa's Trunk祖父的行李箱 ACT I
日期:2009-05-19 16:44



Grandpa's Trunk祖父的行李箱ACT I视频

Grandpa's Trunk祖父的行李箱ACT I教师讲解版视频

In the Stewarts' house one morning. Ellen and Marilyn are preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Ellen:[she takes the tea kettle off the stove.]

Marilyn, you want coffee or tea?

Marilyn:Coffee, please.

Ellen:I am so excited!At this time tommorrow morning Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us.

Marilyn:When does he arrive?

Ellen:At six o'clock this evening.

Marilyn:By plane?

Ellen:No,by train.

Marilyn:Are we picking him up at the station?

Ellen:Not Grandpa. He doesn't want anybody picking him up.He likes to be independent.


Ellen:Oh,let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room.

Marilyn:Great!Let's do it!

[Ellen and Marilyn get up to leave.Richard and Robbie enter the kitchen.]

Richard:Good morning, Mom.


Ellen:Well,hi, fellas.




Marilyn:We're going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room. There's coffee ready.

[Ellen and Marilyn go upstairs.Richard and Robbie begin to make breakfast.]

Robbie: ( 1 )

Richard:Me,too.[to Robbie] Milk,please.

Robbie:He's so funny.He always makes me laugh.( 2 )

Richard:I think he will.It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place.

Robbie:Won't he miss being in Florida?

Richard:Well,he will. But I think he'll like being here with the family.

Robbie:Are you sure about that?It's crazy here most of the time.

Richard:But it's fun.

Robbie:That's for sure.

Richard:You know, maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a“welcome”present.

Robbie:That's a neat idea.What can I do? [He thinks.]I've got it! I have a picture of Grandpa and Dad and me in my wallet. It's from the Fathers and Sons' Breakfast at my junior high school graduation.[He takes out his wallet and shows the picture to Richard.]

Richard:[He looks at the picture.]Oh,I remember this picture.

Robbie:I'd really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station.

Richard:Railroad stations or airports----Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself.

Robbie:He's something!

Upstairs in the Stewarts' home. Ellen and Marilyn are preparing Grandpa's room.

Marilyn:[She points to the trunk.] Is this all Grandpa's stuff?

Ellen:That's it.( 3 )
Marilyn:What's inside?

Ellen:I don't know.It's locked.

Philip: [He enters.]Hi.

Ellen:Oh,hi, darling.


Philip:I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet.You know I'm very excited about his arrival.
Ellen:We are, too. Susan called early this morning.She's unhappy because she's had to go to Chicago on a business trip and can't leave till tonight. She wants to be here for Grandpa.

Philip:Well, Grandpa will be disappointed, too. He loves Susan. She always reminds him of Grandma.Well,how's everything here?

Marilyn:Fine.We were just wondering about this trunk.

Ellen:It's locked.

Philip:Oh[He takes a key from his pocket.]I have the key. Grandpa sent it to me.[He tries to put the key into the lock of the trunk.]



(1)I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa.


(2)I hope Grandpa's going to like living with us.


(3)But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train.




(1)Marilyn, you want coffee or tea?


(2)At this time tommorrow morning Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us.

will be sitting是将来进行时,表示将来某时进行的状态或动作,或按预测将来会发生的事情。例如:
   She'll be coming soon.
   I'll be meeting him sometime in the future.
注意:将来进行时不用于表示"意志",不能说 I'll be having a talk with her.

(3)That's a neat idea.

表示赞同,还可以说That's a good idea!/Great idea./That's for sure./I agree with you.

(4)When does he arrive?

  Are you on duty next weekend? 下周末你上班吗?
  The train leaves at 12:00. 火车12点开出。
  Where do we go now? 我们现在到哪里去?

(5)You know I'm very excited about his arrival.

对某人的到来表示激动。还有前面的I am so excited!/I'm really excited about seeing Grandpa.

(6)We are, too.

表示一致,还可以用Me,too./The same to me./so do we.

(7)But I think he'll like being here with the family.

表达自己的看法:I think…I believe…I guess…In my opinion…I bet…I suppose…

(8)It's from the Fathers and Sons' Breakfast at my junior high school graduation.

junior high school:初中。高中:senior high school, 中学:high school, secondary school。







美国人很重视 privacy。一般情况下不轻易打听别人的私事,未经许可也决不轻易动用他人物品。美国人非常强调隐私,现代科技使这个问题在今天变得特别突出。《华尔街日报》和全国广播公司1999年进行的民意调查表明,隐私问题是美国人二十一世纪最关注的问题,超过了对人口爆炸、种族冲突和温室效应等问题的关注。









Are you with him or against him on this issue?


Did he give a yes or a no to your idea?


Do you favor her proposition?


Do you approve of the idea?



I sure favor your decision.


I feel that’s quite a good idea.


I entirely approve of that theory.



I am afraid I can’t endorse your opinion.


I don’t suppose that’s right, really.


We strongly oppose to race discrimination.


I strongly oppose that contention.



Some people were for this issue and others were against it.




The Nuclear Family

The “nuclear family” is another characteristic of American families. In America, a family is usually composed of a father, mother and two children. It is seldom seen that a family have more than four of five members, or parents live together with their children who have go married. Relatives —— such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and in-laws usually live separately. This family structure is the so-called “nuclear family”。 Though they still have close relationships among the relatives or the whole family group, the “nuclear family” is economically independent of the rest of the family. Parents and children often visit each other and the same applies to the married brothers and sisters when they live quite near.


  Marriage is a matter of individual responsibility and decision for the young. They have their own right to deal with their marriages and are independent of their parents. They often fall in love with each other in spite of the disapproval of their parents. American young people are generally more affectionate and they usually regard love as more important than social class, education, money or religion. They like to have romantic love. Young people can get married with each other even if they have different religious beliefs or back grounds. But marriages between blacks and whites are still rare. Because of the social prejudices probably less than 1% of all the marriages each year are between blacks and whites.

  Before marriage, young people date each other, i.e. they often go out together. Casual dating usually begins in the early teens, and in the late teens a pattern of steady dating develops. There is great possibility that one goes to a dance with one person, to a football game with another, and a picnic with a third. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as “double dating.”

  Group dating is also popular among the youth. Large groups of boys and girls may go around together. They are almost free in physical contact such as holding hands or putting their arms around each other. But some are very strict in their codes of behavior; and some act according to their religion.

  Young people may go out together for some length, which is in effect, a public statement of the intention to marry. Broken engagements are freely performed if the engaged couple change their minds.

  Men and women go out together a great deal, especially those in cities. This is “adult dating”。 They ski together, work together, dine together, either at restaurants or in each other's apartments.

  The American dating system is a rather casual one. Very often young Americans who hardly know each other go out on dates. It is also acceptable for them to arrange a “blind date”, that is, a date between two young people who have not met before.

  Most American young people live independently after marriage. Most newly married couples set up their own household immediately, and begin to perform the family plans in the future. Most married couples practise some kind of birth control. They plan the number of children they are going to have and the time when their children will be born.

  Ironically, the rate of divorce in America ranks first in the world. A divorce is almost free if a marriage is found to be a mistake by the couple.

  In the American family, equal rights are often exercised between the husband and wife when they make a decision. Young couples today share both the household chores and care of the baby. The children also can have a say in family affairs when they are old enough. The old rule “Children should be seen and not heard” is generally broken, and they are often allowed to do things independently. Parents do not interfere in what they wish to do, and children are encouraged to be independent at an early age.

  • composedadj. 镇静的,沉着的
  • acceptableadj. 合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的
  • ironicallyadv. 讽刺地,说反话地
  • interferevi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉
  • stoven. 炉子,火炉窑;烘房;【主英】温室
  • characteristicadj. 特有的,典型的 n. 特性,特征,特色
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨
  • engagedadj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的
  • walletn. 皮夹,钱包
  • opposevt. 反对,反抗,使对立,使对抗