跟可可走遍美国:The Right Magic 钓鱼秘诀ACT I
日期:2009-06-03 15:38



The Right Magic 钓鱼秘诀ACT I视频

The Right Magic 钓鱼秘诀ACT I教师讲解版视频

In the Stewart's house early Saturday morning. Grandpa is making breakfast as Robbie enters.

Robbie:Hi, Grandpa.

Grandpa:Hi, Robbie.

Robbie:Can I help?

Grandpa:Yes, indeed. Hand me two eggs from the refrigerator, and I'll make you two fried eggs.

Robbie:How about some bacon?

Grandpa:I made enough for an army. You going to the baseball game today? It's a perfect day for it----a little cloudy but nice and warm.

Robbie:Dad and I were planning to go to the game, but he has to work today, and my friends don't want to go. It's not an important game, anyway.

Grandpa:Do you have any other plans for the day?

Robbie:I'll work on my computer. _________________1___________________

Grandpa:Maybe you can teach me how to work on a computer someday.

Robbie:Anytime. It's really easy, but, like anything, you need to work at it, Grandpa.

[They begin to eat breakfast.]

Robbie:[eating] This bacon is great. I love crispy bacon.

Grandpa:Oh, what are you doing tomorrow?

Robbie:Nothing much.

Grandpa:Well, maybe your dad and I could take you fishing with us.

Robbie:I'd like that, but…

Grandpa:But what?

Robbie:But Dad is always so busy.

Grandpa:Well, can you come fishing with me tomorrow?

Robbie:Sure, I can.

Later that morning. Philip is eating breakfast quickly. He is speaking with Grandpa.

Grandpa:Robbie says you can't take him to the game today.

Philip:I really feel bad about it, but they need me at the hospital today, in the children's ward.

Grandpa:I understand.

Philip:Maybe we can spend some time together next weekend.

Grandpa:Definitely. We should. You and Robbie and me. Remember our first fishing trip?

Philip:I sure do…. Well, I've got to run, Dad. See you later. [He leaves.]

On the patio later that day. Grandpa is looking at some fishing gear, things he will need for catching fish. Philip enters.

Philip:Going fishing?

Grandpa:I'm thinking about it…. So, how's work?

Philip:Oh, the usual problems.

Grandpa:You're working pretty hard these days.

Philip:I guess I am.


Philip:I remember exactly. It was on his birthday, June second, two years ago. [He laughs.] We didn't catch anything.

Grandpa:Remember our fishing trips?

Philip:Yes. I loved them.

Grandpa:Remember catching your first fish?

Philip:How can I forget? I fell out of the boat! We had some good times together.

Grandpa:Yes, we did. Maybe we should do it again.

Philip:How about tomorrow?

Grandpa:Don't you have to work?

Philip:My paper work will wait.

Grandpa:Oh, Robbie will be thrilled. I am, too, Son.

Philip:I want to spend more time with Robbie.

Grandpa:Tomorrow. ____________3______________And Robbie will love it.

Philip:Well, what's the weather going to be like?

Grandpa:Radio says sunny and mild.

Philip:Well, I'll tell Robbie. And thanks, Dad.

Grandpa:Don't thank me. I'm just being a grandfather.



1.I have a new math program, and I want to learn how to use it.


2.When did you last go fishing with Robbie?


3.It'll be like old times for you and me.




1.Hand me two eggs from the refrigerator, and I'll make you two fried eggs.

Hand是递的意思。make you two fried eggs是宾语+宾语补足语的结构。

2.I made enough for an army.

enough for an army:很多,远远超过需要。说这话表示东西已经够多了。这是夸张和形象的说法,口语中经常用这句来表示多。
类似效果的还有这一句:I'm hungry,I can eat a horse.表示很饿,不可能吃掉一匹马。

3.Dad and I were planning to go to the game, but he has to work today, and my friends don't want to go.

Dad and I一般情况下,如果说自己和别人一起做某事时,经常把别人放在前面,自己放在后面,以表示对别人的尊重。当然,如果是坏事的话则要把自己放在前面。

4.This bacon is great. I love crispy bacon.


5.It's not an important game, anyway.


6.Well, can you come fishing with me tomorrow?

come fishing,go fishing.go running(跑步),go swimming(去游泳),go dancing(去跳舞)和go shopping(去购物)等用来表示去做某事。

7.Maybe you can teach me how to work on a computer someday.

Maybe you can表示建议某人做某事。

8.I really feel bad about it, but they need me at the hospital today, in the children's ward.

I really feel bad about it用来表示道歉的话。





2. fishing trips:钓鱼是美国最常见的休闲活动之一,但在很多州里,随便垂钓可能是非法的。一般都要购买钓鱼执照,并遵照各地的特殊规定。例如在若干长度以下的鱼,钓上之后须再放回水中,或对于钓竿的使用,有些特别的限制等。



Fun and relaxation 休闲

Relaxation is not simply important for your physical self, it will positively affect your spirit, your mind, your body and your overall well-being.



Allen: Are you watching the TV series now shown on Channel 8?

Ben: No, I haven't been watching it. I don't care much for soap operas. They are just not my cup of tea.

Allen: Nor are they mine. They are too confusing. But a lot of people enjoy watching them. They say soaps are entertaining.

Ben: Yes, only two kinds of people like watching soap operas.

Allen: Who are they?

Ben: Those who don't have to work and those who have too much work. The former need something to help them kill time and the latter need something to take their minds off work.

Allen: You are exactly right. I prefer news and science programs.

Ben: Me, too. I think they are both informative and entertaining.

1 They are just not my cup of tea.
cup of tea意思是“喜欢的东西,合意的人”。

Travelling is just his cup of tea.

2 The former need something to help them kill time and the latter need something to take their minds off work.
kill time 消磨时间
The train was late so I killed an hour's time window shopping.

情景对话 2:

Jane: Well, what did you think of the film, Lynn?

Lynn: Oh, I enjoyed it actually. But I do like musicals and think Julie Andrews is wonderful.
哦,我挺喜欢看的。我最喜欢音乐剧,我觉得朱莉· 安德鲁斯真棒。

Jane: Lovely voice.

Lynn: Oh, beautiful.

Jane: And a lovely face.

Lynn: Oh, she's very very attractive.

Jane: I can't think why so many people criticize her.

Lynn: Oh well, a lot of people do, but I think it's a snob thing with a lot of people.

Jane: I've always enjoyed her films. Very well produced, too.

Lynn: Oh, excellent, yes.

Jane: Those lovely scenes in the Alps.

Lynn: Yes, where she was singing at that time where she was dancing on the hills.

Jane: Mm, and that scene in the school. It brought tears to my eyes. What about next week then?

Lynn: Yes, what are we going to see next week? Do you know what's on? I haven't looked at the local paper to see what's on next week.

Jane: Well, I'd better give you a ring about it.

Lynn: All right.


  • relaxationn. 松弛,放松,消遣
  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导
  • refrigeratorn. 冰箱
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • pation. 天井(庭院)
  • entertainingadj. 引起乐趣的,娱乐性的,令人愉快的 n. 招待,
  • affectvt. 影响,作用,感动
  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • confusingadj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现
  • wardn. 守卫,监护,受监护人,病房,行政区 vt. 守护,