Well,I still remember a commercial,which was shown by Channel 7 of Australian Broadcasting Company . I watched the advertisement nearly 2 years ago but I can still remember it clearly. It showed 2 chicken that were sitting on the sofa and watching another one dancing in front of them. With the jazz music,the chicken swayed its waist like mad and appeared to be deeply devoted. Then,the other two said: "Just do it!,,The poor chicken took out a burning match and fired itself. After a big explosion, the chicken altered itself into a bowl of noodles. Then,came out the message: Maggie noodles,just do it! Every time I saw the chicken fired an explosion, I could not help laughing and I decided to try the products. Besides, I like its slogan "Just do it!" It stimulates me to buy it,cook it and enjoy it. I think,for an advertisement, the first significant thing is it must have a clear orientation and target market. Then according to the potential customers' taste,the advertising company figures out a suitable advertisement, which can bring their attention and breed their interests. Of course, a good message is extremely important which can persuade consumers when they are still hesitating. By achieving those,it must be a good advertisement and will bring the manufacturer a lot of profits.
嗯,我还记得一则广告,在澳大利亚广播公司的第七频道播出过。我大概两年前看过,不过还清晰地记得。它讲的是两只小鸡坐在沙发上看另一只在它们面前跳舞。伴着爵士乐,跳舞的小鸡疯狂地摇摆,完全投入其中。另外两只说:“想做就做吧! ”而那只可怜的小鸡就拿出一根点燃的火 柴点燃了自己。一声巨大的爆炸声后,它变成了一碗面条。这时电视里出现一句话:麦吉面条, 想做就做!每当我看到烤鸡时,我都禁不住大笑并且想买这个产品。不仅如此,我还喜欢它的广 告语“想做就做!”它刺激我购买,烹调,并且享用这个商品。我认为对一则广告来说,首要的就是有一个清楚的产品定位和目标市场。然后,广告公司再根据潜在的客户的品味找到适合的广 告,以吸引他们的注意力,刺激购买欲。当然,一则吸引人的广告语也是至关重要的,它能在顾客犹豫时鼓励他们购买。广告只有达到这些 要求才能称为一则优秀的广告,才能为生产商带来巨大利润。