日期:2012-04-11 12:30
Everyone has their favourite pudding but not everyone knows how to make them! However, help is here in the form of Celebrity Chef Phil Vickery. Phil is here to impart some pudding wisdom and help you create 12 fantastic classics, one pudcast a month. This time please join Phil as he gives step-by-step instructions on how to make a healthy version of the Italian classic – Tiramisu.
每个人都有他们最喜欢的布丁,但并不是每个人都知道如何制作!然而明星厨师菲尔•魏科里这就来教你方法 。菲尔会传授给你制作布丁的智慧并帮助你制作12款奇妙的经典,我们会每个月都像你推介一款布丁饕餮 。这次菲尔会循序渐进的指导,教你如何制作一款健康版本的意大利经典-提拉米苏 。