Step 1: You will need
Step 2: Aim
The aim of this experiment is to demonstrate the principle of centripetal force.
。Step 3: Method
Place a small coin, like a 5p piece, inside a deflated balloon. Blow up the balloon and tie a knot in it. Hold the neck of the balloon, where the knot is, in your palm and grip the sides with the fingers of the same hand. Turn the balloon upside down and twirl the balloon to set the coin in motion. The coin may bounce around inside the balloon at first but then it will begin to spin. Is it magic? No! It's science!
。吹气球,然后打结 。之后握住气球的颈部,就是打结的地方,记住用你的手心,用同一只手的手指哦 。把气球颠倒过来,旋转气球使硬币在气球内部运动 。之后这枚硬币可以在气球内蹦蹦跳跳,之后开始旋转 。这是魔术吗?不!这是科学!Step 4: Conclusion
So why did this happen? The coin spun around due to a particular force called 'centripetal force' acting upon it. This is a force that pulls an object towards a central point causing it to move in a circular path around that point. Subjected to centripetal force, the coin was constantly seeking its own centre, and so continued to spin.
。这是一个力,吸引一个物体围绕着一个中心循环运动 。因此受到向心力影响,硬币是不断追求自己的中心,因此持续旋转 。