日期:2011-11-17 15:29
To avoid panda eyes when applying makeup make sure that your concealer makeup is complementing the rest of your face. Don't, whatever you do, get a concealer thats too pale or too light compared to the rest of your face, or the foundation makeup that you put over the rest of your face. It's really important that your concealer makeup completely matches your foundation to avoid panda eyes. You can go a shade lighter, but don't go two or three shades lighter than your foundation because you will end up having panda eyes when applying makeup.
为了避免熊猫眼,化妆时须确保你的妆容能够补充你的脸其余的部分,从而起到遮瑕的作用 。不,无论你做什么,对比一下你的脸的其他部分,确保不要太苍白或者太亮 。用遮瑕妆和眼部化妆来避免熊猫眼真的很重要 。你可以做一个淡眼影,但不要做两个或三个比你本身妆容还淡,因为在正式化妆时将让熊猫眼消失 。
1. makeup n. 化妆
2. complement n. 补充
