日期:2010-04-13 10:25






Your reading comprehension improves when you treat the text as more than just words. Here are some practices to help you do that.

You Will Need

A distraction-free environment

Step 1: Remove distractions(全神贯注)
Remove distractions such as the TV or radio before you start reading. Your brain only has so much capacity for attention, so dedicate it all to your studies.

Step 2: Build anticipation(大致地浏览一遍)
Build anticipation for what you are about to read by reviewing chapter titles and subheads, or by reading a chapter summary. Reading first and last paragraphs is another good way to start.

Step 3: Be an active reader(扩展阅读)
Be an active reader. Make connections between the text and things that you already know, and consider ideas the author may have left out.

Step 4: Close the book(回顾一遍)
Close the book and quiz yourself on what you’ve read. Summarize the main points and facts from the text, and then go back to see how much you got right.

If you need more structure in your study sessions, research techniques on the internet.

Step 5: Reinforce the text(通过与他人的讨论来加深印象)
Reinforce what you’ve learned by discussing it with others or teaching someone else the lesson. Reviewing lectures and videos on the material also reinforces learning.

Step 6: Test again(自我测试)
Test yourself again. If you do it enough, you’ll learn the material by heart.

In July 2007, the Guinness record for the longest book title was set by an Italian tome about public relations. It is 290 words long.



1.capacity n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位

如:In prospect of increase in demand, we should operate at full capacity.

The drama drew a capacity audience; you should have gone to see it.
这出戏吸引了满场观众; 你真该去看的。

I do not believe in equality of capacity, but I do believe in equality of opportunity.

2.dedicate vt. 献出,提献辞,致力于

如:She dedicated her first book to her husband.

The ancient Greek dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.

3.leave out 省去,不考虑,遗漏

如:She left out the date on the cheque.

The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.

4.the Guinness record 吉尼斯世界记录


  • summarizev. 概述,摘要而言
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • removev. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除,间距
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • anticipationn. 预期,预料
  • reinforcevt. 加强,增援 vi. 得到加强
  • subjectiveadj. 主观的 n. 主格,主观事物
  • dedicatedadj. 专注的,献身的,专用的
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • summaryn. 摘要 adj. 概要的,简略的