1. Address: n. 住址, 地址
Please write your home address on the registration form. 请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。
May I have your address and telephone number? 能告诉我你的地址和电话吗?
2. Address: n.演说, 演讲
The President gave an address to the nation over the radio. 总统向全国发表广播演说。
Luke's homely, unpretending style and his pleasing address catch the ear of the people. 卢克朴实而不矜持的作风以及讨人喜欢的谈吐使得人们都很愉快。
3. Address: vt.向…讲话, 写信给,在(信封或包裹等)上写上收信人的姓名、地址
He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech. 他对听众讲起话来滔滔不绝。
Now, Let us invite Ms Jenny to address us. 现在,请珍妮女士给我们讲话。
I have addressed all the invitations. 我已经写好了所有的请贴。
4. Address: vt. 称呼
How shall I address you? 我该如何称呼你呢?
5. To address oneself to a problem着手解决某一问题
To address oneself to a task 投入一项工作
Don't bother me right now; I'm addressing myself to a tough problem. 现在不要打扰我,我正在着手解决这个棘手的问题。
I address myself to the work. 我全力以赴做这项工作。
I'm going to give an address to all my students tomorrow over the internet; I hope everyone could be present. 明天我要在网上对我的所有学生讲话,希望每个人都能到场。