日期:2012-03-16 11:33


My boss is becoming tougher these days? There must be something wrong with her? 我老板这些天特别严厉,她一定是哪不对劲了。大家好,欢迎再次回来,收听并学习《Faith口语课堂-天天学》,我是Faith老师,今天学习的内容和我老板变得严厉及不对劲有关。

Tough adj.坚韧的;坚强的;粗暴的;老的,硬的;严格的,强硬的;困难的

He has a tough character. 他有一个坚韧的性格。

The meat is too tough to eat. 这肉老得不能吃。

They are very tough on drunk drivers. 他们对酒后驾车者十分严格。

I'm well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。

There's something wrong with... 有毛病,出故障,有问题

There's something wrong with her today. 她今天有点不对劲。

Is there anything wrong with your bill? 您的账单有错误吗?

There's something wrong with my watch. 我的表有些不对头。

There is something wrong with his nerve. 他神经有点毛病。

There seems to be something wrong with your blouse. 我总觉得你这件衬衣似乎哪里有些不大对劲。

There're some problems with... 有些问题,有些错误

There're some problems with our newly updated price list. 我们新更新的价格表有些错误。

How's everything with you? Is there anything wrong with your life?
