1. What's your ideal woman like? 你理想中的女人是什么样的?
Well, she doesn't need to be pretty, but beautiful inside with extraordinarily feminine quality. 这个嘛,她不需要漂亮,但要心灵美,很有女人味。
I'm not asking for too much, she can cook delicious food, that's all I want. 我要求不多,能做好吃的就行。
To be honest, I only have passion for sexy women; she's definitely a hot girl. 实话说,我只对性感女人有激情,她一定要身材火爆。
2.What's your ideal man like? 你理想中的男人是什么样的?
He's medium height, physically strong, and he loves sports as much as I do. 他中等身材,身体强壮,和我一样喜欢体育运动。
I need a man who has built his own career so that I don't need to worry about money. 我需要一个已经建立好自己事业的男人,这样我就不必为钱操心了。
I'm looking for a rich man, but a good rich man with wisdom and a sense of humor. 我在找有钱的男人,而且是有智慧和幽默感的好男人。
I want my couple to be responsible, sensitive, generous and considerate. 我希望我的另一半有责任心,情感细腻,宽容,会关心人。
3. What's your ideal job like? 你理想的工作是什么样的?
I don't care about the pay too much, what I really want is the pleasant working environment. 我不太关心工资待遇,我真正需要的是愉快的工作环境。
I hope I could get joy, fulfillment and satisfaction from my job. 我希望我能从我的工作中收获快乐,充实和成就感。
I do need a high-pay job, I have mortgage to pay and my unemployed wife and 2 kids to support. 我确实需要一份高工资的工作,我要供房,还要养我那个没工作的妻子和两个孩子。
What's your ideal man or woman like? Or what's your ideal job like?