日期:2011-08-15 11:46



首先解答听众Tony的来信,他询问如何用英语表达“自找麻烦”,很简单,用“ask”这个单词,如:ask for it, ask for trouble。
Stop complaining, you ask for it. 不要再抱怨了,这个结果是你自找的。
Don't ask for trouble, you'd better run away. 不要自找麻烦,你最好还是逃之夭夭。

从上面的讲解中,我们其实是用到了“Ask for”这个词组,它的意思是“要求,请求,需要”等。如:
I’m just asking for a nice smile from you, do you think it's too much?我只要求你一个善意的微笑,难道这也过份了吗?
She asks for a fair treatment to her, instead of age discrimination. 她只要求公正的待遇,而不是年龄歧视。

那么,表达请假也可以用到“Ask for”这个词组,ask for a few days off 表示“请几天假”,如:
I have to ask for this afternoon off because I need to go to hospital now. 我下午不得不请假,因为我现在要去看医生。
We can ask for the whole week off to prepare for our coming exam. 我们可以请整个星期的假来准备我们的考试。
May I ask for a coupe of days off? 我能请几天假吗?
Don‘t try to ask for even one single day off, the answer is “No”. 不要试图哪怕是请一天的假,答案是“不行的”。
I’m trying to ask for 2 days off to meet your schedule. 我努力请两天的假以便配合你的时间安排。

你们想在我的课上请假吗?,我的答案也是“No”。让我们一起学好英语吧!这里是《Faith口语课堂-天天学》,我是Faith老师,想听歌了吗?Jann Arden带来的 looking for it,I guess this is just the song you're looking for, take it home with you, and come here for another tomorrow!
