Faith口语天天学第134期:Cyber Romance 网恋
日期:2012-02-09 10:25


Have you ever been in love? 你谈过恋爱吗?大家好,欢迎回来,收听并学习《Faith口语课堂-天天学》,我是Faith老师。今天我们来讨论一个最时髦的恋爱方式:网恋。
不同的时代,爱情的方式会截然不同,现在这个时代,网恋太流行了.网恋用英语是这样说的:Cyber romance,今天,我们就来讨论一下网恋这个话题:

a. When somebody⌒is⌒online, they can be whoever they want to be and they're very, very comfortable. They have no problem chatting whatsoever.
当人们上网时,他们可以是任何人,他们感觉很舒服。 他们可以谈论任何事情,这不是什么问题。
Be online: 在线
Have no problem doing something: 自由自在做某事

b. Online when⌒I talk to someone, I can compose my thoughts⌒a little bit before⌒I write them down.
Compose thoughts: 组织思想,想法

c. It gave me⌒a little more confidence because⌒I know⌒I'm⌒intelligent and⌒I can sit here and write⌒and type⌒a lot better sometimes than⌒I speak, as you can, ah, probably tell, um, and it's less nerve-wracking.
Give somebody confidence: 给某人信心
Intelligent: adj. 聪明的
Nerve-wracking: 神经紧张

d. You don't have that face-to-face thing where you, you have that⌒in⌒immediate rejection⌒or⌒acceptance from someone.
Face-to-face thing: 面对面的那种事
Immediate rejection/acceptance: 直接拒绝/接爱

e. This way you get to know somebody first and then⌒if⌒it works⌒out and you like what they're talking⌒about, you get together. And⌒it, they got to know you first before they decided.
通过这种方式你想了解一个人,然后如果事情进展顺利,同时你也喜欢这个人的谈话,你们就可以在一起。 通常是他们在做决定之前先去了解你。
Work out: (事情)进展顺利

f. I think people⌒are searching for someone to meet, searching perhaps for romance. They might just be looking to have⌒a good time.
我认为人们在寻找可以相遇的人,或者是在寻找爱情。 他们也可能只是在找寻一些快乐时光。
Search for: 寻找

g. Um, no, I'm not going to look for Mr. Right. If⌒I meet somebody there, that's, that's fine. But⌒I don't really have⌒any⌒expectations. If he's there, he's there.
Mr. Right: 白马王子
Expectation: n. 期望

h. When⌒I'm⌒online, I'm⌒a different person. I'm⌒usually, I'm very⌒aggressive.
Aggressive: a. 好争斗的,挑衅的,侵略性的

How about you, my dear students? Do you believe in cyber romance, or do you find true love in cyber romance. 我嘛,我是相信真爱可以以任何形式表现。

  • aggressiveadj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的
  • rejectionn. 拒绝,被弃,被抛弃的实例
  • immediateadj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的
  • composevt. 组成,写作,作曲,使镇静 vi. 创作
  • intelligentadj. 聪明的,智能的
  • expectationn. 期待,期望
  • acceptancen. 接受(礼物、邀请、建议等),同意,认可,承兑
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握