日期:2012-02-23 11:15



Belle是个很有魅力的单身女人,身边不乏优秀的追求者,最近Belle决定从众多的追求者中选出一个重点发展,其中一个对他说了这句话:I've been pursuing you for years; will you give me a top priority? Please... 我都追了你好几年了,优先考虑我吧。

Pursue: vt. 追捕,追击;追求;继续;从事,经营

She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree. 她决定在获得学士学位之後继续深造。

Shelley felt free to pursue his own life in his own way. 雪莱可以无所顾虑地追求自己的生活方式。

We will pursue the discussion tomorrow. 我们明天继续讨论

He does his best to pursue pleasure. 他尽力追求享乐。

She pushed herself to pursue a musical career. 她发奋努力去追求音乐生涯。

Priority: n. 优先权,重点;优先考虑的事

top priority:最优先考虑,第一要考虑的

I've been pursuing you for years; will you give me a top priority? Please... 我都追了你好几年了,优先考虑我吧。

Well, Smith. You're on my priority list, but not a top priority. 啊呀,史密斯,你是在我的重点人员名单上,但不是在最上面。

That task rates low on my priority list. 那件事情并不是我的当务之急。

Being able to speak English is a top priority. 学会说英语是当务之急。

He always gives priority to others rather than to himself. 他总是优先考虑别人而不是自己本身。

What or who is on your priority list? for me, being a good English teacher is at the bottom of my priority list。你的优先列表上是何物或何人呢?我嘛,做个好老师排在我的优先列表的最后一项。不对,应该排在第一项才对(it should be on the top of my priority list.)

  • pursuev. 追捕,追求,继续从事
  • priorityn. 优先权,优先顺序,优先