日期:2010-04-29 16:28



Su: now that you have learned Kung fu for a few months, what are your general impression of it?

Heinz: I think, maybe, it takes a real Kung fu master to give a more fair assessment; meanwhile, I am no more than a beginner. But I really doubt whether kung fu would be of any great help when it comes to defending oneself in real life.

S: you mean, kung fu may not be so powerful as it is imagined? To some extent your idea holds water. Kung fu was originally intended for self-defense, but with time it became something more than defense skills. Now we are apt to treat it as an art.

H: an art! You have a good point there. So it is called martial arts in English. The Chinese are really capable of doing things nicely. They've been made fighting a great enjoyment, so marvelous and fascinating.

S: thanks for your compliment! Perhaps the Chinese culture as a whole has a special inclination towards aesthetics. Do you know Jin Yong?

H: I know he is a martial arts fiction writer. But I've read none of his novels.

S: all of his works have been translated into English. I recommend you to read one or two works of his. You'll get a general glimpse into Chinese kung fu culture. When you go through the pages, you are likely to feel they are not about kung fu alone, but cover all walks of life.

H: I see. They must have incorporated a series of Chinese cultural elements.

S: yes, take philosophy, for instance. What makes a true, respectable da xia, or a worrior hero? It's not enough only to be formidable. It also involves a man's character, sense of justice, and values of life.

H: so kung fu is also a means of self-cultivation, isn't it?

S: indeed, you're exactly right!


艺术!对!说得好!在英语里,确实也是叫做”martial arts”.中国人做起事来就爱这样,会把事情弄得很漂亮,连打架都这么有趣,迷人.


to... extent: used to show how far something is true or how great an effect it has 到...程度;在...程度上
To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. 我们都在一定程度上对这悲惨的局面负有责任。
He had changed to such an extent(= so much)that I no longer recognized him. 他变得我简直认不出了。
To some extent what she argues is true. 她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。
The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and,to a lesser extent, wildlife.森林污染严重影响了植物的生存,其次也对野生动物造成了影响。
To what extent is this true of all schools? 这在多大程度上符合所有学校的实际情况?
The book discusses the extent to which(= how much)family life has changed over the past 50 years. 本书论述了近 50 年来家庭生活的变化程度。

Hold water: 有道理,合情合理
not hold water: if an argument, an excuse, a theory, etc. does not hold water, you cannot believe it (论点、借口、理论等)站不住脚,不合情理

I'm sorry, but your story just doesn't hold water. 真抱歉,可是你的话不合情理.

a walk of life: a person's job or position in society 行业;职业;地位;阶层
She has friends from all walks of life. 她在社会各界中都有朋友.


Master: a person who is skilled at something 能手;擅长...者 ~ (of sth)
a master of disguise 精于伪装的人
a master of the serve-and-volley game 发球截击的高手

glimpse: a short experience of something that helps you to understand it 短暂的感受(或体验、领会)
a fascinating glimpse into life in the ocean 对海洋生物的一次短暂而动人心魄的感受
The programme gives us a rare glimpse of a great artist at work. 这个节目使我们难得地认识到伟大艺术家工作时的情况。

Incorporate: to include something so that it forms a part of something 将…包括在内;包含;吸收;使并入
Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan. 你的很多建议已纳入计划中.
The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features. 新的汽车设计包括了所有最新的安全配备.
We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design. 我们在设计中纳入了所有最新的安全装置.

Formidable: if people, things or situations are formidable, you feel fear and/or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult 可怕的;令人敬畏的;难对付的
In debate he was a formidable opponent. 在辩论中他是位难应付的对手.
She has a formidable list of qualifications. 她有一长串令人敬畏的资历.
The two players together make a formidable combination. 这两个队员配对儿,难以对付.
The task was a formidable one. 这任务非常艰巨.
They had to overcome formidable obstacles. 他们得克服重重障碍.

  • marvelousadj. 令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体
  • inclinationn. 倾向,意愿,倾斜度
  • assessmentn. 估价,评估
  • impressiveadj. 给人深刻印象的
  • defensen. 防卫,防卫物,辩护 vt. 防守
  • aptadj. 恰当的,聪明的,易于 ... 的 abbr.
  • pollutionn. 污染,污染物
  • impressionn. 印象,效果
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎